Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

International oil & gas

International oil & gas

International Oil & Gas is a category for stories relating to tar sand production or climate change but not in any of the projects already listed geographically. This includes other regions of the planet with horrible environmental and high energy costs that, like the tar sands, are only a "choice" because of high prices and the global depletion of easily recoverable oil reserves. Such issues as the threat of war on Iran, "instability" in Iraq and Venezuela or disasters like Katrina will all drive up oil prices, which in turn doubly encourages tar sand production-- by price demand and energy demand.

Stock markets and global oil interests (including war) would be included here, as would attempts to get oil out of high risk, low return areas from oil shale in Colorado, to natural gas and heavy oil in the high eastern Arctic. The tar sands are part of this trend and should be seen as such. What happens with the tar sands will have a tremendous impact on what kind of choices are made elsewhere, environmentally and socially.

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International Oil & Gas is a category for stories relating to tar sand production or climate change but not in any of the projects already listed geographically. This includes other regions of the planet with horrible environmental and high energy costs that, like the tar sands, are only a "choice" because of high prices and the global depletion of easily recoverable oil reserves. Such issues as the threat of war on Iran, "instability" in Iraq and Venezuela or disasters like Katrina will all drive up oil prices, which in turn doubly encourages tar sand production-- by price demand and energy demand. Stock markets and global oil interests (including war) would be included here, as would attempts to get oil out of high risk, low return areas from oil shale in Colorado, to natural gas and heavy oil in the high eastern Arctic. The tar sands are part of this trend and should be seen as such. What happens with the tar sands will have a tremendous impact on what kind of choices are made elsewhere, environmentally and socially.

Hibernia South ready to start

Hibernia South ready to start
Nfld. Project; Construction may begin as soon as next year
By Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post
June 16, 2009

CALGARY - Exxon Mobil Corp. is hoping to commence construction as soon as next year on a southern extension to the Hibernia oil project offshore Newfoundland, Mark Albers, senior vice-president, told analysts yesterday.

Can oil deal prompt return to The Rock?

Can oil deal prompt return to The Rock?
Nathan VanderKlippe and Shawn McCarthy
Calgary, Ottawa — Globe and Mail
Tuesday, Jun. 16, 2009

Is the smell of the sea sweeter than the scent of Alberta crude?

Danny Williams thinks so. The Newfoundland and Labrador Premier trumpeted a major deal yesterday to expand the Hibernia offshore oil platform as another leap forward by a province that has already lured home thousands of workers.

Oil and Indians Don't Mix

Oil and Indians Don't Mix

by Greg Palast
Friday, June 12, 2009

For Air America Radio's Ring of Fire

There's an easy way to find oil. Go to some remote and gorgeous natural sanctuary, say Alaska or the Amazon, find some Indians, then drill down under them.

If the indigenous folk complain, well, just shoo-them away. Shoo-ing methods include: bulldozers, bullets, crooked politicians and fake land sales.

It's Official - The Era of Cheap Oil Is Over: Energy Department Changes Tune on Peak Oil


It's Official - The Era of Cheap Oil Is Over: Energy Department Changes Tune on Peak Oil

by: Michael T. Klare | Visit article original @ TomDispatch.com

High Gas Prices Could Slow Recovery

High Gas Prices Could Slow Recovery
Published: June 8, 2009

HOUSTON — After just a few months of relief at the pump, cheap gasoline is disappearing.

Gas prices have risen 41 days in a row, to a national average of almost $2.62 a gallon. That is a sharp increase from the low of $1.62 a gallon that prevailed at the end of last year.

Alberta hopes to reap benefits as world focuses on Suncor-Petrocan

Alberta hopes to reap benefits as world focuses on Suncor-Petrocan
By Carrie Tait, Financial Post
May 30, 2009

Canadian energy group cuts output forecast again

Canadian energy group cuts output forecast again
Fri Jun 5, 2009 2:37pm EDT

CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - Canada's main energy producers group has cut its forecast for oil sands production for the third time in a year, blaming project deferrals and cancellations due to weak oil prices and tight credit markets.

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers said it expects oil sands production by 2015 of as much as 2.2 million barrels a day, and as little as 1.9 million if only those projects that are now in operation or under construction go ahead.

Canada not yet ready for China

Canada not yet ready for China
Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post
Published: Wednesday, June 03, 2009

China and Canada have talked about developing a mutually beneficial energy relationship for a long time. Yet China seems to have made significant oil and gas investments everywhere but Canada, while Canada seems to have seen an influx of significant foreign investment in energy from everywhere but China in recent years.

Corporate PR about the "benefits" of global warming

Study: Melting Arctic Likely Holds up to 160 Billion Barrels of Oil
Michael Andrews - June 1, 2009

New study shows yet another potential benefit of a warmer planet [sic]

The US Geological Survey Says massive amounts of undiscovered oil, gas in Arctic

USGS CARA Concludes 13% of Worlds Undiscovered Oil, 30% of Undiscovered Gas in the Arctic

The US Geological Survey (USGS) has completed a geologically-based assessment of the oil and gas resource potential of the Arctic, the Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal (CARA). (Earlier post.) The researchers in the effort concluded that about 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil and 30% of the world’s undiscovered gas may be found there, mostly offshore under less than 500 meters of water. A paper on the work was published in the 29 May issue of the journal Science.

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