Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Tarsands Infrastructure: South/ East [US & Can]

Tarsands Infrastructure: South/ East [US & Can]

Tarsands Infrastructure: South/East [US] is a category that represents the many connecting and supplying pipelines and associated projects that are needed to transport fuels for the production of tar sands bitumen and to move tar sand heavy bitumen to the Lower 48 of the US for refining. This involves some massive new pipeline projects to Illinois, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Louisiana, California, Pennsylvania, Texas and elsewhere including existing refineries in Ontario and Quebec.

Though the category is labelled "US", the proposed new projects also traverse untouched Canadian territory across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The names of some of the larger ones include The Alberta Clipper Project, The Spearhead Pipeline (expansion) and the Keystone Pipeline, along with other pipelines controlled by TransCanada and Enbridge, as well as Imperial Oil. Despite the massive size and scale of pipeline networks already existing through the continental United States, these pipelines and associated construction would be needed to achieve US and Canadian government goals of reaching 5 million barrels a day of tar sand oil being shipped out of the tar sands "ground zero" of Alberta.

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Tarsands Infrastructure: South/East [US] is a category that represents the many connecting and supplying pipelines and associated projects that are needed to transport fuels for the production of tar sands bitumen and to move tar sand heavy bitumen to the Lower 48 of the US for refining. This involves some massive new pipeline projects to Illinois, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Louisiana, California, Pennsylvania, Texas and elsewhere including existing refineries in Ontario and Quebec. Though the category is labelled "US", the proposed new projects also traverse untouched Canadian territory across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The names of some of the larger ones include The Alberta Clipper Project, The Spearhead Pipeline (expansion) and the Keystone Pipeline, along with other pipelines controlled by TransCanada and Enbridge, as well as Imperial Oil. Despite the massive size and scale of pipeline networks already existing through the continental United States, these pipelines and associated construction would be needed to achieve US and Canadian government goals of reaching 5 million barrels a day of tar sand oil being shipped out of the tar sands "ground zero" of Alberta.

Nebraska: Power companies plan for Keystone pipeline

Power companies plan for oil pipeline
By Joelyn Hansen/Daily Sun staff writer
Tuesday, Nov 11, 2008 - 09:02:10 am CST

DILLER -- Norris Public Power District and the Nebraska Public Power District hosted a public open house in Diller on Monday to provide information and collect input on plans to build a 115,000 volt (115 kV) transmission line from Harbine to Steele City to enable operation of a $5.2 billion crude oil pipeline to be built through Nebraska.

Keep 'world's dirtiest fuel' out of Quebec, green groups say

Keep 'world's dirtiest fuel' out of Quebec, green groups say

Enbridge project. Tar sands oil would flow by pipeline from Alberta
The Gazette
Thursday, November 06

Environmental groups want the Quebec government to stop a plan that would ship the dirtiest kind of oil from Alberta's tar sands projects through Quebec to the U.S. East Coast and on to Texas - with some possibly being refined in Montreal's east end.

TransCanada mum on Keystone XL spur into Bakken

TransCanada mum on Keystone XL spur into Bakken

TransCanada Corp. says it has enough contracts with oil shippers to proceed with a second Keystone pipeline that would move crude oil from Alberta to the U.S. Gulf Coast, though it is mum on the possibility of a spur into western North Dakota.

The Keystone XL pipeline would enter the U.S. in Montana and run through South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma on its 1,980 mile route to Texas. It would not cross any part of North Dakota.

Funding uncertain from major shippers on Keystone pipeline

Oil sands-carrier pipeline may be delayed
Funding uncertain from major shippers on Keystone pipeline
By Tom Stundza -- Purchasing, 10/29/2008 9:42:00 AM

Uncertainty over the pace of oil sands development could delay the construction of a major pipeline that will connect Canada’s Alberta province to the U.S. Gulf Coast, potentially slowing the flow of bitumen to an untapped refining market. The key utility is worried about the level of funding from protential major shippers on the pipeline.

Canada tar sands slowdown may halt runaway costs

Canada oil sands slowdown may halt runaway costs
Canada - By Jeffrey Jones

CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A slowdown in spending on multibillion-dollar projects to develop Canada's oil sands, one of the world's largest deposits of crude, should help cure one ailment the industry has so far been unable to shake: runaway inflation.

TransCanada work goes underwater (Keystone)

TransCanada work goes underwater
Saturday, Oct 18, 2008 - 12:45:47 pm CDT

YANKTON, S.D. - Crews are expected to begin working this week to bury pipe for the TransCanada Keystone oil pipeline 60 feet below the bed of the Missouri River at Yankton.

The project of 4-6 weeks will involve nearly a half-mile of 30-inch pipe.

The TransCanada underground pipeline will run from Canada through the eastern Dakotas and Nebraska to refineries in Illinois and Oklahoma.

Some pipe is already in place in northeast South Dakota.

Weather Delays Keystone Pipeline

Weather Delays Pipeline
October 14, 2008
By Dawn Crawley

The Keystone Pipeline project is already underway in Day County but there's been a weather delay after recent heavy rain.

Keystone is working on clearing out the water but landowners are keeping a close eye on how long this delay will last and if it will affect their property.

Work on the Keystone Pipeline has halted for the day. The heavy rains have left conditions too saturated to work. Crews are busy pumping water and restoring conditions.

2 new (tar sands) oil refinery plans in the pipeline (Arizona, South Dakota)

2 new oil refinery plans in the pipeline
Dirk Lammers, Associated Press

(10-12) 04:00 PDT Elk Point, S.D. --

The United States hasn't built an oil refinery on a new site in more than 30 years, but a pair of projects eyeing out-of-the way corners of South Dakota and Arizona are slowly working their way up to the big leagues.

Bailout boosts refinery (South Dakota)

Bailout boosts refinery
Hyperion stands to get big tax break

Thom Gabrukiewicz • tgabrukiew@argusleader.com • October 10, 2008

Hyperion Resources could benefit in its quest to finance and build an oil refinery near Elk Point with a 50 percent tax write-off - an extension of an existing credit that was inserted into Congress' historic, $700 billion bailout of Wall Street.

"Refineries progress, but are years away from opening"

Refineries progress, but are years away from opening
By Dirk Lammers, AP Business Writer
Story Published: Oct 10, 2008

ELK POINT, S.D. (AP) – The United States hasn’t built an oil refinery on a new site in more than 30 years, but a pair of projects eyeing out-of-the way corners of South Dakota and Arizona are slowly working their way up to the big leagues.

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