Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Animal habitats and health are affected by tar sands production, whether from loss of habitat to any of the infrastructure developments across the continent, or through changes in the atmosphere such as melting polar ice caps in the Arctic brought on by out of control C02 emissions. Poisoning waterways, the food supply and the air in the immediate and not-so immediate surroundings has led to drops and even disappearances of species near pipelines, platforms and other infrastructure of the tarsands.

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Animal habitats and health are affected by tar sands production, whether from loss of habitat to any of the infrastructure developments across the continent, or through changes in the atmosphere such as melting polar ice caps in the Arctic brought on by out of control C02 emissions. Poisoning waterways, the food supply and the air in the immediate and not-so immediate surroundings has led to drops and even disappearances of species near pipelines, platforms and other infrastructure of the tarsands.

Government and Corporate ENGO's to use Nahanni Park as smokescreen to Industrialize the Northwest Territories

Let's just unpack some of this bullshit and put it out on the table, shall we?


Here's the point of all this. The Mackenzie Gas Project will devastate the Beaufort Delta, ravage the Colville Hills region of the Sahtu, begin a process of colonial settler population transfers to the Valley where up until this day there is still a majority of the population Dene. This will include a highway, and the "temporary" migration of 1000's of workers near small communities like Wrigley/Pedzheh Kí who currently have populations of about 200 people.

Court orders tar sands corporations to list contents of tailings

Court orders oilsands to list contents of tailings
Ecojustice lawyers convince judge to overrule environment minister

By Hanneke Brooymans, The Edmonton Journal
May 28, 2009

More information about the toxic content of oilsands tailings ponds that sprawl over 130 square kilometres in northeast Alberta will soon be made public because of a Federal Court decision.

"N.W.T. fears pipeline guarantee for Alaska"

N.W.T. fears pipeline guarantee for Alaska
By Jeffrey Jones, Reuters
May 25, 2009

CALGARY - The Northwest Territories is worried a little-noticed plan to boost U.S. federal loan guarantees for an Alaska gas pipeline to $30 billion US could raise yet another impediment to the construction of the Mackenzie Valley pipeline.

Harper kicks up trade storm over U.S.'s ambitious low-carbon fuel rules

Cloudy forecast
Harper kicks up trade storm over U.S.'s ambitious low-carbon fuel rules
Alice Klein
Now Toronto May 25, 2009

It’s been a bad political week for the tar sands. Publicly, the Tories are still clinging to the cupid face they pulled on when U.S. President Barack Obama touched down in Ottawa this winter, but they’ve just pulled out the big, fat arrows and are aiming low.

As U.S. climate initiatives rev into real action, it shamefully ain’t our love that we Canucks are sending stateside.

Guujaaw, President, Council of the Haida Nation warns Enbridge Re: Gateway

Guujaaw, President, Council of the Haida Nation
May 19 2009

To: John Carruthers
President of Enbridge "Northern Gateway Pipeline"

In response to your letter dated April 29th.

You have invited us to attend a meeting in Kitimat on June 18 and 19, "to guide
the design, construction, and operations of the proposed project".

This project that you are proposing would necessitate the movement of tankers
through these waters on a daily basis, which of course, is of concern to us.

We are a people who depend on the health and well-being of the seas around us.

Indian activists vow to fight northern Minn. oil pipeline

Indian activists vow to fight northern Minn. oil pipeline
by Stephanie Hemphill, Minnesota Public Radio
May 6, 2009

St. Paul, Minn. — Some Indian activists say they will fight a planned oil pipeline that would cross the Leech Lake Reservation in northern Minnesota.

The pipeline, which would be built by Enbridge Energy, would bring oil from Canada to a refinery in Superior, Wis. The Leech Lake Tribal Council has agreed to allow it to cross the reservation, in exchange for a $10 million payment from Enbridge Energy.

Natives, environmentalists assail proposed Enbridge oil pipeline to Kitimat

Natives, environmentalists assail proposed Enbridge oil pipeline to Kitimat

May 6, 2009

TORONTO — First nations and environmental activists say the oil industry is trying for an end run around U.S. concerns about oilsands pollution and will trample on native lands with Enbridge Inc.'s (TSX:ENB) proposed pipeline from Alberta to the B.C. coast.

A small group journeyed from British Columbia to the pipeline company's annual meeting Wednesday in Toronto to protest against the Northern Gateway project.

Statoil in trouble with major investors over its tar sands involvement

*News Release:*

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*Statoil in trouble with major investors over its tar sands involvement*

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13 May 2009 (Oslo, Norway) — Four major investors are putting pressure on
Statoil to withdraw from the tar sands, Greenpeace has learned.

Danske Bank has expressed its opposition to the contentious project while
Norway’s largest bank, DnBNOR, is holding meetings today to discuss whether
continued involvement in the Alberta tar sands is a sound investment.

In addition, prominent Statoil stakeholders, Folksam, a Swedish insurance

Council approves call to halt tar sands

Council approves call to halt tar sands
Cara Loverock
Northern News Services
Published Friday, April 17, 2009

SOMBA K'E/YELLOWKNIFE - A motion to stop new tar sands approvals in Alberta until certain measures are put in place was passed on Tuesday.

Tar sands water hearings due in Wood Buffalo in May

Oilsands hearings due in Wood Buffalo in May
CAROL CHRISTIAN // April 16, 2009
Fort McMurray Today staff

The federal hearings on the impact of oilsands development on fresh water will be heading to the Wood Buffalo area next month, prompted by the urging of Edmonton MP Linda Duncan.

While hearings have been held in Ottawa since they resumed in March, hearing from government witnesses first, it was a bit of a battle to get them to Alberta, a victory that Duncan says was hard-fought.

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