Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

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Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

Nexen shares tumble on lower Long Lake outlook

Nexen shares tumble on lower Long Lake outlook

By Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald November 16, 2010

CALGARY - Nexen Inc. saw its shares fall on Tuesday after the Calgary-based oil producer said its Long Lake oilsands project won't hit full capacity this year or next.

In Alberta, dissenters are just asking for a smack-down

In Alberta, dissenters are just asking for a smack-down

Prominent scientists, doctors, leaders attacked for speaking out

By David Thompson, Edmonton Journal November 15, 2010

Dr. Paul Parks finally got the Alberta government to address his concerns about a potential "catastrophic collapse" of emergency care.

However, it took the media's bright spotlight to make it happen.

Parks had been quietly raising the issue with the government since early 2008, when he began documenting serious problems in emergency wards.

But that didn't get the government to act.

Senators Assail Clinton Over Tar Sands Pipeline Comments

Senators Assail Clinton Over Tar Sands Pipeline Comments

Concern that State Department is pre-judging the outcome of a pipeline permit without adequate analysis

By Stacy Feldman

Leading Senate Democrats are scolding the State Department for hastily moving to approve a Canada-to-Texas pipeline that would nearly double U.S. oil sands imports and cut through the nation's largest underground aquifer.

J.P. Morgan aims at Canadian tar sands

J.P. Morgan aims at Canadian oil sands
Broker initiates coverage of names from the Great White North
Oct. 25, 2010,
By Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — J.P. Morgan on Monday launched coverage of six Canadian oil stocks as it took aim at the vast oil sands of Alberta as oil prices stabilize at or above $80-a-barrel.

J.P. Morgan analyst Katherine Lucas Minyard said the move reflects the conclusion that the oil sands will provide in increasingly important source of oil.

First Nations Women to Speak Out in Toronto against Tar Sands

First Nations Women to Speak Out in Toronto against Tar Sands
By Kathleen Airdrie
Published Oct 25, 2010

National First Nations Women's Speakers Tour on Tar Sands will hold an event October 27, 2010 at the University of Toronto.

The women’s tour is sponsored by several organizations concerned with the devastation caused by the massive projects’ degradation of the land.

First Nations Women Speaking Out

Note to industry: "Nothing nefarious about Tides"

Utterly amazing that this puff piece-- a letter to the editor-- would be sent to the pro-industry paper of record in Canada. As a clarion call to alert tar sands operators that from now on, Tides (and those they fund, such as Greenpeace, Canadian Boreal Initiative, David Suzuki Foundation and the "invisible to the outside" North American tar sands coalition itself) is no longer going to allow itself to be a part of this crap about "shutting down the tar sands" but instead will be a part of a fake deal that greenwashes while development continues.

Shell hammered at hearing over refinery (Montréal)

Shell hammered at hearing over refinery

Produced 90,000 barrels per day. Company must dismantle refinery and decontaminate soil

The Gazette
October 20, 2010

Nicolas Houle, director of Shell Canada's Montreal East oil refinery, got a rough ride yesterday at special National Assembly hearings challenging the company's decision to shut down the facility.

"Why should I give you a permit to dismantle it?" asked Natural Resources Minister Nathalie Normandeau.

Enbridge Energy could be Minnesota's BP

Enbridge Energy could be Minnesota's BP
Oil company has friends on the PUC
By Justin Horwath Wednesday, Oct 20 2010

The Midwest is a new market for companies with leases in Alberta, Canada's tar sands fields, which constitute the largest untapped oil supply in the world outside Saudi Arabia.

Enbridge Energy and other pipeline companies have been in a race to tap the Gulf and East Coast markets, and soon enough, companies with leases in the tar sands will have access to the entire U.S.

Rash of spills puts new tar sands oil pipeline on hold

Rash of spills puts new tar sands oil pipeline on hold
By Ed Brayton 10/18/10 7:40 AM Digg Tweet

U.S. State Department approval of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, a massive project that would carry crude oil from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada all the way to southern Texas, has been delayed and observers say the spill of a million gallons into a Michigan waterway is likely one key reason why. AP reports:

Activists increase scrutiny of industry

Activists increase scrutiny of industry

No Stopping Shareholders; Influence key to corporate transparency

By Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald
October 6, 2010

Unconventional resource development such as oilsands and shale gas is increasingly drawing the attention of shareholder activists and influencing corporate decision-making, the head of one of Canada's largest integrated oil companies said in Calgary Tuesday.

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