Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

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Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

Cochabamba, the water wars and climate change

Cochabamba, the water wars and climate change
April 23, 2010

COCHABAMBA, Bolivia — Here in this small Andean nation of 10 million people, the glaciers are melting, threatening the water supply of the largest urban area in the country, El Alto and La Paz, with 3.5 million people living at altitudes over 10,000 feet. I flew from El Alto International, the world’s highest commercial airport, to the city of Cochabamba.

China’s move on tar sands is about more than money

China’s move on oil sands is about more than money
China's Sinopec is seeking to buy a 9-per-cent stake in the Syncrude oil sands facility near Fort McMurray, Alta.

Campbell Clark
Ottawa —Globe and Mail
Apr. 15, 2010

This is a test. Chinese oil company Sinopec’s move to buy a piece of Alberta oil sands producer Syncrude is the latest move in Beijing’s step-by-step gauging of the investment waters in Canada.

China is watching to see if the deal sets off alarm bells in Canada, particularly in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative caucus.

Tar sands will shrug off enviro castigation

Oil sands will shrug off enviro castigation
By: Matthew Hill
23rd April 2010

Make no mistake about it, the Alberta oil sands development will roar on.

While shareholder groups of oil multinationals Shell and BP have recently tried to force those companies to pull out of Alberta, politicians like Sarah Palin are shouting slogans such as: "Ramp up development."

And looking at the bigger political picture, it is clear to see why.

Chávez asks leaders to introduce written proposal at Cancun Summit

Chávez asks leaders to introduce written proposal at Cancun Summit

April 22, 2010 in Press

EL UNIVERSAL-CARACAS, Thursday April 22, 2010

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez suggested the leaders participating in the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, which is held in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba, to submit a proposal to the meeting of the United Nations to be held in Cancun, Mexico. The move is intended to counter the Copenhagen Document that some governments led by the United States seek to impose at the Cancun Climate Change Summit.

Shareholder concerns won't affect Whiting, Indiana expansion, BP says

Shareholder concerns won't affect Whiting expansion, BP says
Chicago Post-Tribune
April 16, 2010

BP faced heat from shareholders this week over its involvement with Canadian oil sands -- the type that the BP Whiting refinery will be processing more of with its expansion.

RBS in battle with the Cree First Nation over dirty oil development project on tribal lands

RBS in battle with the Cree First Nation over dirty oil development project on tribal lands
18 Apr 2010

George Poitras has come a long way to make his point.

From his traditional Mikisew Cree homelands on the shores of Lake Athabasca in northern Alberta, he has journeyed to Murray Place in the centre of Stirling – to confront the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Oil Majors Under Shareholder Pressure For Canadian Tar Sands

Oil Majors Under Shareholder Pressure For Canadian Tar Sands
SustainableBusiness.com News

As shareholders gather in London this week for BP’s (NYSE: BP) annual general meeting, American and British investors are coordinating an effort to put pressure on four major oil multinationals over their controversial investments in the Canadian oil sands.

See You in Cochabamba!

See You in Cochabamba!
Evo Morales Plans Bolivian Alternative Climate Summit for April
by Matthew McDermott, New York, NY on 01. 6.10

Not wasting any time, Bolvian president Evo Morales has announced that his nation will be hosting an alternative climate summit in the city of Cochabamba on April 20-22, the New York Times reports. Morales is calling on activists, scientists and government officials "who want to work with the people" to attend. Bolivia was one of five nations dissenting on the non-binding COP15 agreement:

EU yields to Canada over oil trade "barriers": sources

EU yields to Canada over oil trade "barriers": sources
Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:27pm EDT
By Pete Harrison

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union has yielded to Canadian demands it remove possible trade barriers to polluting oil sands to avoid further damage to ties, according to sources and leaked documents.

Relations are already strained after the European Union banned imports of seal products last July on animal welfare grounds, a move Canada is challenging at the World Trade Organization.

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