Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

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Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

Tar sands under attack on environment globally

Oil sands under attack on environment

The industry is accustomed to defending its image in North America, but it now faces a multifront war, with opposition growing from Norway to Washington

Shawn McCarthy

Ottawa — Globe and Mail
Sep. 15, 2009

The environmental battle over Alberta's oil sands is going global, forcing the industry to respond to new attacks on its record and putting fresh pressure on Ottawa.

Statoil's Alberta role an issue in election

Norwegian vote may kill oilsands stake

Statoil's Alberta role an issue in election

By Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald
September 12, 2009

T he fate of Statoil- Hydro's oilsands investments in Canada could hinge on the outcome of Norway's general election Monday.

The presence of Norway's state-owned oil producer in northeast Alberta has emerged as a contentious issue in the country's bitterly contested vote, which some are saying is too close to call.

Protests in Britain target Canada's tar sands

Protests in Britain target Canada's oilsands
Updated Sat. Sep. 5 2009
Ian Munroe, CTV.ca News

A handful of First Nations activists returned home last week after grabbing national headlines in England for protesting Alberta's oilsands developments.

They had travelled to a London suburb as part of a week-long gathering of several thousand environmental campaigners, dubbed the Climate Camp.

Among other concerns, the First Nations group hoped to pressure British Petroleum to halt plans for an oilsands extraction project in northern Alberta.

Tar czar: Ignatieff panders to Alberta's Big Oil

Tar czar: Ignatieff panders to Alberta's Big Oil
By Derrick O'Keefe
September 9, 2009

Near the end of Michael Ignatieff’s True Patriot Love -- an exploration of the men in his mother’s family rushed to publication in an effort to assert his Canadian bona fides -- we are treated to a play-by-play of the road trip he and his wife took in 2000, retracing the pioneering sea-to-sea journey of his great-grandfather.

Tar sands: Downplaying a mistake

Tar sands: Downplaying a mistake
By Emily Hunter
| September 8, 2009

Today I hit Calgary in my journey to the tar sands, the oil headquarters of Alberta. All the oil giants rest in this part of Albertan land -- Esso, Shell, Petro Canada -- who all have their hands in the tar sands. Here I spoke with the united face of the oil companies, CAPP (the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers). I tried to confront them in oil pains to the planet. But there answer was more of the same, that the tar sands is more or less 'sustainable.' But is this true?

Coalition files lawsuit over Enbridge Alberta Clipper pipeline

Coalition files lawsuit over Enbridge Alberta Clipper pipeline
September 8, 2009
Fort McMurray Today staff

True to their word, an environmental coalition has filed suit in California challenging the recent U.S. presidential permit granted to a controversial pipeline running from Alberta across the Canada-U.S. border to Wisconsin.

A greener Washington? Not in the pipeline

A greener Washington? Not in the pipeline
Aug 29, 2009

Southern Ontario's smog days will be even dirtier thanks to a decision by the U.S. State Department on behalf of President Barack Obama.

It has granted a presidential permit for construction of the U.S. portion of an Enbridge Inc. pipeline to carry oil – initially, 450,000 barrels a day and eventually, 800,000 barrels – from Alberta's tar sands to refineries in the U.S. Midwest, as near us as Detroit.

BP’s “Bloody Petroleum” targeted in protest by indigenous activists and Climate Camp

BP’s “Bloody Petroleum” targeted in protest by indigenous activists and Climate Camp
Yesterday at 22:01
***Post far and wide***

31st August 2009
For immediate release

BP’s “Bloody Petroleum” targeted in protest by indigenous activists and Climate Camp

Photo and filming opportunities on Tuesday September 1, 2009 from 11am (London, UK time) at the North East corner of Trafalgar Square, press conference 12.30pm (London, UK time) outside BP Headquarters, 1 St James’ Square. Photos of the day will also be available for publication by request.

Why we are all climate camp followers now

August 30, 2009
Why we are all climate camp followers now

The atmosphere at the Climate Camp in Blackheath, southeast London, last week was resolutely good-natured
Giles Hattersley

It is the Thursday morning rush hour in Blackheath, southeast London. The roads around the park are clogged with commuters, and, overhead, planes are ascending from nearby City airport at an alarming rate.

Beneath a cloud of transport fumes lies Camp Climate, home to 1,000 slightly smelly, resolutely cheerful, mostly middle-class do-gooders who plan to save the world.

Climate Camp: Wat Tyler would have felt at home among the 'fluffys' in Blackheath

Climate Camp: Wat Tyler would have felt at home among the 'fluffys' in Blackheath
The green activists might be posh, says Ed West, but even the leaders of the Peasants' Revolt were "middle-class" by today's standards
By Ed West
29 Aug 2009

History records that in the year 2009, the peasants of England rose up in protest, marching on Blackheath to demand change in the kingdom. They came from up and down the land – from Crouch End and Hampstead, from Chiswick, Richmond and Notting Hill, and some even from Gstaad and Verbier.

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