Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

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Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

MSNBC: Canada is in the middle of a quiet oil boom

Canada is in the middle of a quiet oil boom
Tar sands, long too expensive to process, help make it major U.S. source
By Peter Klein
updated 2:29 p.m. MT, Mon., April. 7, 2008

Ft. McMurray, Alberta - With oil prices hovering near a hundred dollars a barrel, there’s a major oil boom underway. It’s not happening in the sweltering heat of Texas or the dry desert of Saudi Arabia, but on the frozen Canadian tundra where oil producers are developing a new source of fossil fuel.

The coming food catastrophe

Georgia Straight April 3, 2008

The coming food catastrophe

By Gwynne Dyer

This is the new face of hunger, said Josette Sheeran, executive
director of the UNs World Food Programme, launching an appeal for an
extra $500 million so it could continue supplying food aid to 73 million
hungry people this year. People are simply being priced out of food
marketsWe have never before had a situation where aggressive rises in
food prices keep pricing our operations out of our reach.

Climate change ‘seriously underestimated’ by UN

Vancouver Sun April 3, 2008

Climate change ‘seriously underestimated’ by UN

Curbing emissions more daunting than panel reported: study

Margaret Munro

The United Nations' celebrated climate change panel has "seriously
underestimated" the challenge of curbing global CO2 emissions, say Canadian
and U.S. researchers.

Radical "decarbonization" of the global energy system is needed to stabilize
emissions -- a task that is much more daunting than the panel has led the
world to believe, the researchers report in journal Nature today.

The Peak Oil Crisis: Load shedding

The Peak Oil Crisis: Load shedding
by Tom Whipple

Fall Church News-Press (March 27 2008)

Largely unnoticed in America are the increasingly frequent electricity
shortages developing around the world.

Many of these are caused by shifting weather patterns that are leaving
hydro-electric dams with insufficient water to produce at full capacity.
While some aspects of global climate change are temporary, many, such as
the melting of glaciers, seem destined to last for decades, or perhaps
centuries, thereby depriving the world of some of the best sources of

Oil peak theorist warns of chaos, war

Oil peak theorist warns of chaos, war
From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

WASHINGTON — Matt Simmons sounds the alarm like the Cassandra of the
oil industry, warning that crude production has peaked and that
looming energy shortages could derail global growth and even spark
armed conflict.

As a prominent “peak oil” theorist, the veteran oil industry financier
paints a grim picture of a world facing resource scarcity. Still, it
doesn't take a “peak-ist” to conclude that the global oil producers

Saskatchewan Tar Sands Opponents Emerge

Oilsands opponents emerge
Group seeks exploration permit freeze; Environmental assessment needed during exploration phase, society says
Cassandra Kyle, The StarPhoenix
Published: Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Saskatchewan environmental group has asked the provincial government to freeze oilsands exploration permits until a regional environmental assessment is completed in northwest Saskatchewan.

Utah: Oil-shale 'rush' is sparking concern

Oil-shale 'rush' is sparking concern
By Stephen Speckman
Deseret Morning News
Published: Saturday, March 22, 2008

With oil prices surpassing $100 per barrel, talk of extracting the black gold wherever it can be found in Utah and elsewhere is raising red flags for environmental groups.

The most recent complaint came this week from 26 conservation groups that accuse the Bush administration of rushing to develop oil shale and tar sands and endangering communities and 2 million acres of wild lands in three states, including Utah.

Peak Oil May Worsen the Climate Crisis

Peak Oil May Worsen the Climate Crisis
April 02, 2008 10:45 AM ET | Marianne Lavelle

It's hard to know whether we should be more worried that consuming oil is killing the planet or that there's way too little of this killer oil left.

UTS Energy, Teck Cominco plan new tar sands mine

With each new project, the practical viability of a mere moratorium on tar sands production becomes ever more clear.

Tar Sands Exploration in Saskatchewan: The Environmental Impacts

Tar Sands Exploration in Saskatchewan: The Environmental Impacts
Global Research, March 31, 2008
Saskatchewan Environmental Society


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