Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

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Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

The unjustifiable destruction of the environment (Fidel on the tar sands)

Reflections of Fidel
The unjustifiable destruction of the environment

CAN capitalist society avoid it? News about the issue is not encouraging. In Poznan, they are discussing the project to be presented in December of next year in Copenhagen, where the agreement that will replace the Kyoto Protocol will be discussed and voted on.

Vandals target another B.C. gas pipeline

Vandals target another B.C. gas pipeline
Thu Dec. 18 2008

Vandals have targeted another set of natural gas well sites in northeastern British Columbia, but authorities aren't immediately linking the latest attacks to three earlier bombings to EnCana pipelines in October.

Const. Jackelynn Passarell said Thursday valves were tampered with and shots were fired at well sites operated by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (TSX:CNQ) and Iteration Energy (TSX:ITX).

Industry upset over JRP deadline (Mackenzie Gas Project)

Industry upset over JRP deadline
Guy Quenneville
Northern News Services
Published Monday, December 15, 2008

SOMBA K'E/YELLOWKNIFE - Reaction to news that the Joint Review Panel will not have its report on the embattled Mackenzie Gas Project ready until December 2009 has been uniformly negative and in some cases incredulous.

"You've got to be kidding" was the initial reaction of Ann Marie Tout, president of the NWT Chamber of Commerce.

Thumbs down: Oil slick (BP Whiting Refinery)

Thumbs down: Oil slick

by Editors Dec 10, 2008

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management is refusing a request by the Post-Tribune in Merrillville to provide a calendar showing when meetings were held dealing with the BP oil refinery’s air permit. IDEM approved a construction permit for BP in May, but environmentalists say it was improperly granted. IDEM has refused to release information on meetings leading up to the approval twice now — and has given two different excuses. The Post-Tribune is appealing.


Council of Canadians blasts Alta. gov’t (over possible censorship of film productions)

Council of Canadians blasts Alta. gov’t (over possible censorship of film productions)
Fort McMurray Today staff

The Council of Canadians is asking Albertans to say no to censorship after the province recently suggested rethinking the funding of productions critical of the oilsands.

NAFTA likely safe from oil-focused Obama administration: experts

NAFTA likely safe from oil-focused Obama administration: experts

The Canadian Press
November 5, 2008

OTTAWA — U.S. President Barack Obama may turn out to be far better for Canadian free trade and economic interests than candidate Barack Obama ever pretended to be, experts on both sides of the border agree.

Obama - triumphant Tuesday in his bid to become America's first-ever black president-elect - was far from neighbourly in his pronouncements impacting Canada during the campaign.

Sunoco (founder of Pew Charitable Trusts-- financier of the CBI) Coming back into Tar Sands

Sunoco set up the original endowment for the Pew Foundation, now called the Pew Charitable Trusts. They also began the corporation now known as Suncor.

Sunoco currently refines bitumen in Ohio and are planning to do so soon in their home turf of Philadelphia.

Sunoco has, through either Pew family members (J Howard Pew's heirs, J Howard started Sun Oil/Sunoco) or current board members and CEO's of Sunoco, a majority of the board of trustees of the Pew Charitable Trusts to this very day.

Stephen Harper: "Mackenzie Gas now"

Stephen Harper: Mackenzie Gas now
December 12, 2008
Diane Francis // Financial Post

Ottawa need not sign a single check in order to kick start a gigantic $20-billion economic stimulus project that would also be in the national interest. The feds must short-circuit their dysfunctional system in order to start the Mackenzie Gas Project.

California Tar Sands In-Situ Development to Start

Tri-Valley Drilling Ahead on 8th Horizontal California Vaca Tar Sands Well
Posted 12 December 2008

Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation takes province to court over tar sands leasing

First Nation takes province to court over oilsands leasing
Thursday, December 11, 2008
CBC News

Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation speaks to reporters in Edmonton on Thursday.Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation speaks to reporters in Edmonton on Thursday. (CBC)

The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation in northern Alberta announced Thursday it has filed a request asking a court to review how Alberta grants leases for oilsands developments.

The notice was filed Wednesday in Edmonton's Court of Queen's Bench.

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