Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

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Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

S Dakota: Keystone Pipeline to be Allowed Violation of Safety Standards

Pipeline builder can waive U.S. rule

Canadian company to use thinner steel
By Terry Woster
Published: September 8, 2007

PIERRE - A federal agency will allow TransCanada Keystone to design parts of its proposed crude oil pipeline for a stress level higher than current U.S. standards.

Alberta Construction Workers Serve Strike Notice

Alberta carpenters serve strike notice

September 6, 2007

Carpenters in Alberta may briefly go on strike this weekend, a strange twist in prolonged and complicated contract talks between builders in the province and construction workers.

Multinationals Predicted to begin Major Takeovers in Tar Sands

Oil patch feeding frenzy predicted

September 7, 2007

The Canadian oil patch could be hit by a major round of takeovers by multinational giants in the next year, Jeff Rubin of CIBC World Markets predicts, as the global energy industry looks increasingly to Alberta's rich oil sands as one of the few major world oil reserves unfettered by political meddling.

China explains Move Out of Canada, into Venezuela

Chinese Chill

CNPC executive announces China’s exit from the Gateway Pipeline Project
Andrea W. Lorenz

China has dramatically altered its international investment policy, pulling back on its plans for direct participation in Canada’s oilsands and withdrawing its support for Enbridge Inc.’s $4-billion Gateway Pipeline Project to deliver bitumen and synthetic crude oil to the west coast.

N Dakota: Federal regulators give favorable preliminary review of Keystone Pipeline

Federal regulators give favorable preliminary review of pipeline...
Sep 5 2007 5:02PM
Associated Press

GRAFTON, N.D. (AP) The U.S. State Department has given a favorable preliminary review of a pipeline that would pump crude oil from Canada through South Dakota and six other states.

Big Oil Angry over Marie Lake People's Victory

Stelmach decision worries oilpatch
Industry wonders if cancelling Marie Lake permits for bitumen mining hints at new rules for future
Archie McLean, The Edmonton Journal
Published: 1:50 am

EDMONTON - Premier Ed Stelmach's decision to halt seismic testing at a northern Alberta lake is raising concerns in the oilpatch over what it means for future projects.

Keystone Pipeline gets Preliminary Nod from US State Department

Oil Pipeline Gets Preliminary Nod
By JAMES MacPHERSON 09.05.07, 5:40 PM ET

The U.S. State Department has given a preliminary nod to a $2 billion pipeline that would transport crude oil from Canada through seven states.

The Keystone pipeline, a project of TransCanada Corp. (nyse: TRP - news - people ) of Calgary, Alberta, is planned to stretch more than 1,800 miles from Hardisty, in east-central Alberta, to refineries in Illinois, with a spur to Oklahoma.

Bell wants Tax Incentives to Destroy Mackenzie Valley

Canadian Min Sees Tax Deal On Mackenzie Gas Project By Fall 2008
Dow Jones
September 05, 2007: 03:21 PM EST

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- Regional Canadian investment minister Brendan Bell said Wednesday that he believes the federal government may be able to negotiate a tax agreement with companies partnering on the Mackenzie gas project by next fall.

Victory for Marie Lake Residents: Seismic Testing Halted

Alberta government halts plans to allow seismic testing on Marie Lake
Wed Sep 5, 8:31 AM

EDMONTON (CP) - The Alberta government has halted a plan to allow controversial seismic testing on Marie Lake.

Premier Ed Stelmach announced Tuesday night that there were too many safety questions about the technology involved in drilling for oilsands under water.

Mexican Rights Violated by Canada in Free Trade’s Name

Mexican rights violated in free trade’s name
Published September 3rd, 2007 in Opinion

In mid-August, I spent several days in a small vacation town called Montebello, located between Ottawa and Montreal. In this town on the historic Ottawa River is a resort complex owned by a prominent hotel chain.

The heads of state from Canada, the United States and Mexico were there meeting on August 21 and 22 with an array of the most powerful businessmen and industrialists from North America.

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