Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Energy and how it is captured and consumed is barely viable in tar sands production. While the amount of oil in places such as the tar sands in Alberta or the Orinoco Belt in Venezuela may have deposits of similar size to the reserves of countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iraq, the return of new energy after expending energy in production is not even close. In Iraq, the process of using one barrel of oil generates 100 new barrels. In the tar sands, estimates of 3 to 1 and even as low as 1.5 to 1 have been made. Offsetting the net energy loss would require minimally 25-30 tar sands facilities for one Saudi plant operating at the same capacity.

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Energy and how it is captured and consumed is barely viable in tar sands production. While the amount of oil in places such as the tar sands in Alberta or the Orinoco Belt in Venezuela may have deposits of similar size to the reserves of countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iraq, the return of new energy after expending energy in production is not even close. In Iraq, the process of using one barrel of oil generates 100 new barrels. In the tar sands, estimates of 3 to 1 and even as low as 1.5 to 1 have been made. Offsetting the net energy loss would require minimally 25-30 tar sands facilities for one Saudi plant operating at the same capacity.

Montana businesses will feel economic impact from Alberta tar sands industry

Montana businesses will feel economic impact from Alberta oil-sands industry
Of The Gazette Staff

Financial ripples from the multibillion-dollar oil-sands industry in the Canadian province of Alberta are already being felt in Montana, but few businesses will benefit from the development as directly as Berry Y&V Fabricators in Billings.

Industry minister: Canada could build gas pipeline first

Well, this article is wrong three times. A) The MGP would not negate the Alaska Pipeline. B) The MGP would not feed the lower 48 States, but instead feed production of dirty tar sands crude. C) Natural Gas is another fossil fuel and the combination of both climate change and peak oil make it impossible to see natural gas as "...the only option for a long term energy solution."

Other than that, the article is great!


Industry minister: Canada could build gas pipeline first
by Ted Land
Monday, September 22, 2008

Alberta's oil was coveted long before it was extracted

Alberta's oil was coveted long before it was extracted
Tue. September 23, 2008; Posted: 02:43 PM

Sep 21, 2008 (Billings Gazette - McClatchy-Tribune News Service via COMTEX) -- HBC | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Sep. 21--Although large-scale exploitation of northern Alberta's oil sands is a relatively recent phenomenon, people have known for nearly 300 years that the region was rich in an unconventional kind of oil.

Sarah Palin's Pipeline to Nowhere

Aside from the horribly racist tone to the description of nations demanding consultation or free, prior and informed consent-- this is really good news.


Risky Business: Palin's pipeline may never get built
By Mark Hosenball | NEWSWEEK
Published Sep 20, 2008
From the magazine issue dated Sep 29, 2008

Protesters Disrupt "Spirit Train" Sendoff: Two arrested, festivities cancelled

Protesters Disrupt "Spirit Train" Sendoff
Two arrested, festivities cancelled
September 21, 2008
by Dawn Paley - The Dominion

About 50 people showed up to protest the "Canada Pacific Spirit Train"
event Sunday in the Vancouver suburb of Port Moody. Taking a position
in front of the main stage, the group carried signs and placards, and
a large banner that read "Resist 2010: No Olympics on Stolen Native

While demonstrators banged on pots and pans, Gord Hill, speaking on
behalf of the Olympics Resistance Network, announced, "We want homes

Evaporating credit to hurt smaller tar sands players

Evaporating credit to hurt smaller oilsands players
Consolidation expected amid lack of capital
Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald
Published: Friday, September 19, 2008

Ongoing credit woes roiling global financial markets will make a big impact on smaller operators and speed up consolidation in the cash-heavy oilsands sector, observers said Thursday.

"Canada Tar Sands Oil Equals Saudi Arabia"-- Enbridge Plans

Canada Tar Sands Oil Equals Saudi Arabia
MINA, Canada - 16 Sep 2008

With Canadian crude oil becoming a far larger part of the future U.S energy supply landscape, the principal oil and gas pipeline system connecting the two countries is rapidly rebuilding its presence in Superior.

US Refinery Investments Align With Tar Sands Supplies to 2015

US Refinery Investments Align With Oil Sands Supplies to 2015
Posted on: Thursday, 18 September 2008
By Sword, Lindsay

The Contagion Spreads-- Producers Re-think Tar Sands

ALBERTA: As crude prices fall and banks tighten the purse strings, producers forced to weigh their options
September 17, 2008

CALGARY and VANCOUVER -- As the U.S. banking crisis boosts borrowing costs and crude prices plummet on global demand fears, the economics of building oil sands projects are coming under pressure.

Boston ASPO: The Canadian tar sands

2006 Boston ASPO: The Canadian tar sands
Whiskey & Gunpowder / Energy Bulletin
November 13, 2006
By Byron W. King

Were you ever out in the Great Alone, when the moon was awful clear, And the icy mountains hemmed you in with a silence you most could hear; With only the howl of a timber wolf, and you camped there in the cold, A half-dead thing in a stark, dead world, clean mad for the muck called gold.

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