Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Energy and how it is captured and consumed is barely viable in tar sands production. While the amount of oil in places such as the tar sands in Alberta or the Orinoco Belt in Venezuela may have deposits of similar size to the reserves of countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iraq, the return of new energy after expending energy in production is not even close. In Iraq, the process of using one barrel of oil generates 100 new barrels. In the tar sands, estimates of 3 to 1 and even as low as 1.5 to 1 have been made. Offsetting the net energy loss would require minimally 25-30 tar sands facilities for one Saudi plant operating at the same capacity.

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Energy and how it is captured and consumed is barely viable in tar sands production. While the amount of oil in places such as the tar sands in Alberta or the Orinoco Belt in Venezuela may have deposits of similar size to the reserves of countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iraq, the return of new energy after expending energy in production is not even close. In Iraq, the process of using one barrel of oil generates 100 new barrels. In the tar sands, estimates of 3 to 1 and even as low as 1.5 to 1 have been made. Offsetting the net energy loss would require minimally 25-30 tar sands facilities for one Saudi plant operating at the same capacity.

Kinder Morgan ramping up pipeline plans (to north BC)

Kinder Morgan ramping up pipeline plans
Dormant northern leg being revived
Jon Harding
Canwest News Service
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

CALGARY -- A second large shipper of oil from Canada to the United States has confirmed interest is heating up between Canadian producers and refining customers in Asia and along the United States' West Coast.

Keystone Hearings in Saskatchewan

Information flows at pipeline gathering
The Shaunavon Standard (Saskatchewan)
July 2, 2008

Local landowners and the general public had an opportunity to get a first hand look at a proposed new $7 billion pipeline project that will pass through Southwest Saskatchewan. Local landowners and the general public had an opportunity to get a first hand look at a proposed new $7 billion pipeline project that will pass through Southwest Saskatchewan.
The Keystone XL Pipeline is a crude oil project originating in Alberta and extending south to serve markets on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Canadian production to play crucial role on world markets

Output still far from peak levels, say CEOs
Canadian production to play crucial role on world markets
Shaun Polczer, Canwest News Service
Published: Wednesday, July 02, 2008

MADRID, Spain - Canada's oilsands are still years away from making a meaningful impact on global oil supplies, the heads of two of the world's largest oil companies -- Exxon and Total SA -- said at the World Petroleum Congress in Spain yesterday.

But they also said despite economic and environmental challenges, unconventional oil from Canada will eventually play a crucial role in meeting the world's oil needs.

Come to Canada! But only if you've got a job

Come to Canada! But only if you've got a job

Stories of Canada looking to poach British citizens are wildly exaggerated. We're only interested in professionals who can help us dig up oil.

Heather Mallick
guardian.co.uk, // Wednesday July 2, 2008

Pissed-off workers of Britain, Alberta wants YOU.

I beg your pardon? Alberta. It's a western province of Canada. The Rockies? Edmonton? Calgary, had the Olympics in 1988? A variety of scenic spots named after various homely minor Royals of the Victorian era?

Keystone Pipeline II?

West River Oil Pipeline Plans

In a few weeks, TransCanada will begin construction on its Keystone pipeline in eastern South Dakota.

But Monday the Candadian company was busy talking with South Dakotans on the western side of the state about a second proposed crude oil pipeline called the Keystone XL. TransCanada says the second line is in response to the high demand for oil in the United States.

"Will Canada last?"

Will Canada last?
by Murray Dobbin
June 30, 2008

What will it take persuade Canadians that if they do not act soon to reverse the course of their nation, there will be nothing left to save? I am talking, of course, about so-called "deep integration" and its official expression, the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP).

Truth and consequences in the last days of cheap oil

By Michael Klare
Truth and consequences in the last days of cheap oil

At the hastily convened global oil summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on June 28, top officials of producing and consuming nations from around the world attempted to find a combination of solutions that would somehow extricate us from the current crisis over sky-high energy prices. These proposals ranged from increased output by major producers like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to restrictions on the activities of international oil speculators.

Tar-sands stocks will sink if oil price slides

Tar-sands stocks will sink if oil price slides
Jun 27, 2008 04:30 AM
Bill Carrigan

Proponents prefer the cleaner "oil-sands" tag and opponents prefer the dirtier "tar-sands" tag. Of course, investors older than 50 tend to use the original term, tar sands.

Lately it's difficult not to notice the growing controversy over the runaway development of Canada's tar sands and its contribution to global warming. Migratory bird deaths at a Syncrude tailings pond in April delivered another public-relations blow to tar-sands companies.

Tar Sands overview: production history, environmental destruction and human rights violations (Part I)

Macdonald Stainsby gives http://h2opodcast.com/ an overview of the tar sands, their history in development, why now, the connection to the war on terror & Iraq, trade deals, expansion of the temporary foreign worker programs in such development, violation of indigenous nations' self-determination and environmental destruction unparalleled in the world. (Part I of II)


Tar Sands overview: production history, environmental destruction and human rights violations (Part II)

Part II of II:

Macdonald Stainsby gives http://h2opodcast.com/ an overview of the tar sands, their history in development, why now, the connection to the war on terror & Iraq, trade deals, expansion of the temporary foreign worker programs in such development, violation of indigenous nations' self-determination and environmental destruction unparalleled in the world. Part II of II.


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