Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Energy and how it is captured and consumed is barely viable in tar sands production. While the amount of oil in places such as the tar sands in Alberta or the Orinoco Belt in Venezuela may have deposits of similar size to the reserves of countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iraq, the return of new energy after expending energy in production is not even close. In Iraq, the process of using one barrel of oil generates 100 new barrels. In the tar sands, estimates of 3 to 1 and even as low as 1.5 to 1 have been made. Offsetting the net energy loss would require minimally 25-30 tar sands facilities for one Saudi plant operating at the same capacity.

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Energy and how it is captured and consumed is barely viable in tar sands production. While the amount of oil in places such as the tar sands in Alberta or the Orinoco Belt in Venezuela may have deposits of similar size to the reserves of countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iraq, the return of new energy after expending energy in production is not even close. In Iraq, the process of using one barrel of oil generates 100 new barrels. In the tar sands, estimates of 3 to 1 and even as low as 1.5 to 1 have been made. Offsetting the net energy loss would require minimally 25-30 tar sands facilities for one Saudi plant operating at the same capacity.

Energy hungry U.S. is looking to hog-tie Alberta with agreement

Copyright 2007 Prince Rupert Daily News
All Rights Reserved
Prince Rupert Daily News (British Columbia)
August 15, 2007 Wednesday
NEWS; Green Justice; Pg. 13

Energy hungry U.S. is looking to hog-tie Alberta with agreement

Charles Justice, The Daily News

Remember the United States was going to bring freedom and democracy
to Iraq? It wasn't about Iraq's oil, they said. That must be why they
changed the name of the invasion from "Operation Iraqi Liberation" to
"Operation Iraqi Freedom." The reason I mention the U.S. invasion of

Alberta ground zero for green battle

Alberta ground zero for green battle
Fight would divide nation, Lougheed says

Janice Tibbetts, with files from Jamie Komarnicki, Calgary Herald, CanWest
News Service

Published: Wednesday, August 15, 2007

CALGARY -- Canada is facing a bitter constitutional clash over the
environment and Alberta's oil industry that will threaten national unity and
eventually end up in the Supreme Court of Canada, former Alberta premier
Peter Lougheed warned Tuesday.

CEP takes on bitumen exports

CEP takes on bitumen exports
Today staff
Thursday August 09, 2007

Fearing Canadian jobs going down proposed pipelines to the U.S., the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) will intervene in upcoming regulatory hearings.
At the heart of the matter is the union’s intent to protect Canadian jobs, fostering development of the Canadian economy instead of watching all the benefits go south of the border, officials say.

S Dakota's Public Utilities Commission Withholding Landowners List During Keystone Hearings

Landowner list in pipeline case sought
By Terry Woster
Published: August 8, 2007

PIERRE – South Dakota’s Public Utilities Commission will hear arguments later this month on a request to make public the names of landowners with property along the route of a proposed crude-oil pipeline.

"Canadian energy company plans another pipeline in U.S."

Canadian energy company plans another pipeline in U.S.
Last Updated: Monday, August 6, 2007
The Canadian Press

TransCanada Corp. is joining with Northwest Natural Gas Company on a proposal to build a natural gas pipeline in Oregon that could cost the companies up to $700 million US.

Ricardo Acuna on Non-Consensus in the Tar Sands Multi-Stakeholder Committee


Oil Sands Committee reports back

It is time for the Stelmach government to pick a side: public or industry.

Dateline: Tuesday, August 07, 2007

by Ricardo Acuna

Last week, the Alberta Government released the much anticipated final report and recommendations of the Oil Sands Multi-Stakeholder Committee — the committee charged with carrying out a broad-based consultation with Albertans and making recommendations on the future of the Alberta tar sands.

Terrace Standard Hacking up Dogwood Initiative, NDP-- Promoting oil and gas in Douglas Channel

As always, the good news is that when such hate comes at you, it is part of a larger concern that the politics being brought forth by critics are harming "business as usual". As such, people concerned about traditional lands from Edmonton to Kitamaat Village and up and down the Inside Pasage of BC should take note, and perhaps a pat on the back. Fear them only when they ignore you.


This MP should stay far away
Aug 08 2007

Announcing Californian Tar Sands Drilling

What you read here is a press release put out by the Tri-Valley corp. It is obviously full of self-promoting, you should-buy-our-stocks stuff-- where it announces the beginning of tar sands "extraction" experimentation with Californian "SagD" or in-situ "drilling" of massive energy and high cost tar sands bitumen. AS this is what most of the Orinoco Basin is made up of, it would be likely that there is ex-pat Venezuelan Gusano help in trying to undercut the Bolivarians with this technology.

In a sentence: Welcome California into the world of producing death from sand to get oil.

New Greenpeace office to fight tar sands

New Greenpeace office to fight oilsands
Published: Wednesday, August 01
EDMONTON - The environmental activist organization Greenpeace Canada is setting up shop in Edmonton to fight Alberta's oilsands development.
The organization has hired two full-time staff to campaign against devlopment of northern Alberta's oilsands, which it calls Canada's glob al warming disaster.

Oil: BC's Hydra-headed Headache

Oil: BC's Hydra-headed Headache
A grim exception. To prevent and respond to spills, our policies are a mess.
By Arthur Caldicott // August 2, 2007

For an industry that likes to keep its business underground, pipeline companies create a hell of mess when they allow it to surface. And the shipping industry, which prefers to stay on the surface, creates a hell of a mess when it tanks.

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