Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Indigenous nations have protected the earth on their territories for thousands of years. With the government of Canada ignoring their sovereignty, nations not only see massive theft of resources that could help alleviate social problems, but their exacerbation through their further alienation from their own lands, often accompanying being overrun by development and southern workers, while having no self-determination during this process. In the south of Canada industrial farming displaced many nations with often genocidal results. In the north, a modern equivalent of that fate is only just beginning, wrought on by industrial oil and gas drilling schemes (among many industrial plans) that are condemning entire societies, languages and cultures to a precarious future, becoming minorities in their lands for the first time.

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Indigenous nations have protected the earth on their territories for thousands of years. With the government of Canada ignoring their sovereignty, nations not only see massive theft of resources that could help alleviate social problems, but their exacerbation through their further alienation from their own lands, often accompanying being overrun by development and southern workers, while having no self-determination during this process. In the south of Canada industrial farming displaced many nations with often genocidal results. In the north, a modern equivalent of that fate is only just beginning, wrought on by industrial oil and gas drilling schemes (among many industrial plans) that are condemning entire societies, languages and cultures to a precarious future, becoming minorities in their lands for the first time.

Halt tar sands, chiefs say

Halt oilsands, chiefs say
Brodie Thomas
Northern News Services
Published Monday, September 15, 2008

RADILIH KOE'/FORT GOOD HOPE - Some First Nations leaders are calling for a moratorium on tar sands expansion, and they made a promise to continue educating people living in the Mackenzie basin about threats to their water system.

They gathered in Fort Good Hope during the first week in September for a territorial water conference.

First Nation coalition threatens blockades over Enbridge Alberta Clipper pipeline

First Nation coalition threatens blockades over oil pipeline
Jason Warick
Saskatchewan News Network; Canwest News Service
September 15, 2008

SASKATOON -- The chief of a Saskatchewan First Nation is leading a coalition of First Nations considering blockades or other action to halt construction of a multimillion-dollar oil pipeline until their concerns are addressed.

First Nations from across Western Canada meet today and Tuesday in Edmonton to plot their strategy, Red Pheasant Chief Sheldon Wuttunee said in an interview Sunday.

Fort Chip to world: SOS

Fort Chip to world: SOS

Posted on September 14, 2008 by zandernat

Climate change, water policy and aboriginal health. Three issues that should be atop the election agenda. Three issues that start with the oil sands.

Canadians are dying. Our government is doing nothing about it. Will it take world attention to end this injustice?

Majority of Albertans don't buy 'dirty oil' label

Oilsand fears wrestle benefits
Majority of Albertans don't buy 'dirty oil' label
Kelly Cryderman, Calgary Herald // September 14, 2008

Albertans appear conflicted about the massive oilsands -- a resource nearly everyone agrees is an economic bonanza for the province, but one many feel is accompanied by a worrying array of environmental and human health effects.

In a wide-reaching Leger Marketing poll of 962 Albertans focused on their impressions of the oilsands, respondents were clearly concerned about the industry's impacts, especially when it comes to health complaints.

Natives push moratorium on Shell methane project (north BC)

Natives push moratorium on Shell methane project
The Canadian Press

September 13, 2008

Prince Rupert -- Support is growing for a moratorium on drilling in an area called the Sacred Headwaters, say opponents of a coal-bed methane project near the Nass River in northern British Columbia.

More than 150 people attended an information meeting in New Aiyansh this week to discuss the project proposed by Shell Canada.

In 2004, Shell Canada was awarded a 400,000-hectare tenure for coal-bed methane development in the area, also known as the Klappan.

Imperial's March "Optimistic" on Mackenzie Gas Project Prospects

Imperial's March Optimistic on Mackenzie Prospects

By Reg Curren

Sept. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Imperial Oil Ltd. Chief Executive Officer Bruce March, head of Canada's largest oil company, said he's the most optimistic he has been in the past five years about the chances of the Mackenzie gas pipeline proceeding.

Recent comments from Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who is seeking re-election on Oct. 14, have boosted Imperial's confidence for the C$16.2 billion ($15.2 billion) project to proceed, March said at a Toronto investor conference today.

Opti/Nexen Long Lake tar sands project on track for first production later this month

This project should likely become a lightening rod against Sag-D production as it is also one of the dirtiest in history, as it uses a gunk it calls "asphaltene"-- the left over crap from the Sag-D project. This produces vastly higher GG emissions, which are already on average 3-4 times higher than in regular oil in tar sands production, and slightly more in Sg-D production. This plant is only 8 kilometers from the indigenous and Metis settlement of Anzac.


Long Lake tar sands project on track for first production later this month

September 2, 2008 - 21:58

Layton targets tar sands

Layton targets tar sands
Globe and Mail Update and Canadian Press
September 8, 2008

FORT SMITH, NWT — The plane carrying New Democrat Leader Jack Layton and his NDP entourage swooped over the Alberta tar sands Monday to show vast expanses of northern wilderness despoiled by development.

Ponds filled with tar and the chemicals that remain from oil extraction, forest that have criss-crossed with strips that have been cleared of trees, mines that rise out of nowhere.

Shell puts cork in methane-drilling plans - for now

Shell puts cork in methane-drilling plans - for now
Company agrees to speak with Tahltan about natives' concerns about impact of project on northwestern B.C.

September 6, 2008

VANCOUVER -- Shell Canada Ltd. has temporarily shelved its plans to drill for coal-bed methane in northwestern British Columbia, delaying work for at least one more season and highlighting concerns over the potential impact of the projects in the remote wilderness area.

Will "Oil Sands" Tar Olympic Games?

Will oilsands tar Winter Games?
The Edmonton Journal
Tuesday, August 19

Canadian officials surveying the Beijing Olympics must be paying special attention to the myriad protests and criticisms -- some overdrawn and overwrought -- that have dogged China before and during the Games. If they are wise, our observers should fight the temptation to feel smugly superior.

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