Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Labour / Migration

Labour / Migration

It is falsely assumed that big projects equal lots of jobs and, by extension, labour peace if not outright satisfaction. The size and scope of the tarsands means for incredibly dangerous work conditions-- some fatalities at the plants have already occurred. The products seldom get their "value added" in union-run locations, instead the heavy bitumen can be shipped to many different locations across North America for refining, denying benefits to the union. However, the Union does not represent the "guest worker", now being imported in increasing numbers as legislation is changed to make access easier, the term of exploitation last longer, without any new efforts or pathways to deciding to stay after helping tear up the earth.

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It is falsely assumed that big projects equal lots of jobs and, by extension, labour peace if not outright satisfaction. The size and scope of the tarsands means for incredibly dangerous work conditions-- some fatalities at the plants have already occurred. The products seldom get their "value added" in union-run locations, instead the heavy bitumen can be shipped to many different locations across North America for refining, denying benefits to the union. However, the Union does not represent the "guest worker", now being imported in increasing numbers as legislation is changed to make access easier, the term of exploitation last longer, without any new efforts or pathways to deciding to stay after helping tear up the earth.

Suncor takes Greenpeace to court

Here's the latest - Suncor is suing Greenpeace for disrupting its
operations last week.

(BTW - it is absolutely outrageous that the reporter (or his editor)
is linking the tar sands actions to the Encana gas pipeline bombings
in this article, with the inference being GP is somehow connected to
the bombings.)

Suncor takes Greenpeace to court - $1.5M lawsuit comes after protest at mine

By Shaun Polczer, Calgary HeraldOctober 9, 2009 9:08 PM

CALGARY - Environmental protesters say they will continue to target

Suncor Says Tar Sands Becoming Increasingly Important

Suncor Says Oil Sands Becoming Increasingly Important
By Sonja Franklin and Doug Alexander

Oct. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Suncor Energy Inc. Chief Executive Officer Rick George said Alberta’s oil sands are increasingly important as a supplier of energy.

“As conventional oil worldwide becomes increasingly difficult to find, develop and more costly, the oil sands, the second-largest oil base in the world, will play a bigger and bigger role,” he said in a speech to the Economic Club of Canada in Toronto today.

North America Refining Industry to 2013

North America Refining Industry to 2013: Investment Opportunities, Analysis and Forecasts of All Active and Planned Refineries in North America


Eyeing a Total [France] tar sands package

Eyeing a Total oil sands package

Nathan VanderKlippe/The Globe and Mail

Jean-Michel Gires discusses Total's future in Canada


CALGARY — From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
Oct. 06, 2009

French petroleum giant Total SA could add fuel to the oil sands' resurgence as the company nears a decision on a major expansion project, the company's new Canadian head said yesterday.

Israeli Corp. Ormat’s Opti Takes On Tar Sands In Alberta, A Dirty Deed For The Company’s “Clean” Image

Ormat’s Opti Takes On Oil Sands In Alberta, A Dirty Deed For The Company’s “Clean” Image
Submitted by Maurice Picow on October 4, 2009

Israel’s ORMAT Industries Ltd (ORA) has joined with its subsidiary Opti Canada Inc in a project in extract and produce a high grade of petroleum from oil sands located in northern Alberta Canada. ORMAT is a world leader in producing energy from unconventional sources, including geo-thermal energy from volcanoes and hot springs under the earth’s surface.

Imperial probes Sarnia benzene leak

Imperial probes Sarnia benzene leak
Last Updated: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 |
CBC News

Police in Sarnia have lifted a shelter order for parts of the city that began after a benzene leak at the Imperial Oil facility there.

Greenpeace activists occupy Alberta Shell Upgrader in Fort Saskatchewan

Greenpeace activists occupy Alberta Shell site

By Richard Warnica and Laura Drake, Edmonton Journal
October 3, 2009 2:52 PM

Greenpeace activists occupy an exhaust stack at the Shell Scotford Upgrader Expansion near Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. on October 3, 2009
Photograph by: Ryan Jackson, Edmonton Journal

FORT SASKATCHEWAN, Alta. — Greenpeace protesters occupied an oilfield property outside Edmonton on Saturday, the third dramatic demonstration the group has staged against Alberta’s controversial oilsands development in recent weeks.

Oil exports to U.S. set record

Oil exports to U.S. set record

Oilsands output helps fill shortfall from Venezuela, Mexico

By Lisa Schmidt, Calgary Herald
September 30, 2009

Canada --already the largest oil supplier to the U.S.--pumped out record exports south of the border this summer, as Alberta's oilsands crude fill the gaps left by competitors.

U.S. imports of crude oil from Canada rose 5.4 per cent in July to the highest monthly level in at least 36 years, according to figures released by the U.S. Energy Department.

Delta residents must prepare for pipeline: senate committee

Delta residents must prepare for pipeline: senate committee

Katie May
Northern News Services
Published Monday, September 28, 2009

INUVIK - The federal government needs to invest more money into the Canadian Coast Guard as the "first line of defence" for Arctic sovereignty, senators heard during meetings in Inuvik last week.

The Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans was in Inuvik on Wednesday following public meetings in Yellowknife earlier in the week as part of a study of Arctic fisheries and ocean management.

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