Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Labour / Migration

Labour / Migration

It is falsely assumed that big projects equal lots of jobs and, by extension, labour peace if not outright satisfaction. The size and scope of the tarsands means for incredibly dangerous work conditions-- some fatalities at the plants have already occurred. The products seldom get their "value added" in union-run locations, instead the heavy bitumen can be shipped to many different locations across North America for refining, denying benefits to the union. However, the Union does not represent the "guest worker", now being imported in increasing numbers as legislation is changed to make access easier, the term of exploitation last longer, without any new efforts or pathways to deciding to stay after helping tear up the earth.

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It is falsely assumed that big projects equal lots of jobs and, by extension, labour peace if not outright satisfaction. The size and scope of the tarsands means for incredibly dangerous work conditions-- some fatalities at the plants have already occurred. The products seldom get their "value added" in union-run locations, instead the heavy bitumen can be shipped to many different locations across North America for refining, denying benefits to the union. However, the Union does not represent the "guest worker", now being imported in increasing numbers as legislation is changed to make access easier, the term of exploitation last longer, without any new efforts or pathways to deciding to stay after helping tear up the earth.

Yesterday's fuel, yesterday's deal

Yesterday's fuel, yesterday's deal
The real 'crude' in Suncor's takeover of Petro-Canada — long stripped of its Canada-first credentials — is the push to deliver ever more 20th-century fossil fuels when the world is moving to renewables

From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
March 25, 2009

Oil firms have started buying each another again

This is the real nature of what will happen during the economic downturn if we "leave the market devices to take care of things themselves"-- the amalgamation of tar sands operators into the world's largest energy companies only. As capital hurts, the biggest players survive and the medium to smaller players disappear. We must escalate the campaigns while they are teetering or else have a much harder time when the reality of peak oil inevitably drives the price of tar sands bitumen (and oil in general) right back where it all started a year ago.


Well matched
Mar 26th 2009

Suncor, Petro-Canada announce merger

Suncor, Petro-Canada announce merger
Last Updated: Monday, March 23, 2009
CBC News

Appealing to Canadian nationalism, Suncor Energy Inc. and Petro-Canada said Monday that a proposed merger between the two oil players would create the country's largest energy company and provide the oil patch with protection against potential foreign buyouts.

"I don't know if it is a marriage made in heaven. But it is a match made in Canada," said Suncor's president and CEO Rick George in announcing the all-stock deal to create a $43 billion behemoth.

CNRL PR: First oil produced at Horizon project

CNRL PR: First oil produced at Horizon project

ALBERTA — The first synthetic crude oil from the Horizon oil sands project was produced on Feb. 28, 2009, reported owner Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL). The event marked four years of construction work.

TransCanada files plans for its second [Keystone] oil pipeline

TransCanada files plans for its second oil pipeline
By Bob Mercer
State Capitol Bureau

PIERRE -- TransCanada Keystone Pipeline company has applied to the state Public Utilities Commission for a permit to construct its second crude-oil pipeline through South Dakota, this time through the sparsely populated ranch country west of the Missouri River.

The Calgary-based company’s construction timetable calls for work to begin in South Dakota in 2011 and service to begin in 2012, with a peak construction work force of up to 1,400 people during the months of May through August of 2011.

"Secret documents reveal sweeping new rules for natives"

Secret documents reveal sweeping new rules for natives

Native leaders warned Ottawa not to re-open the governance file unless it's willing to hold wide-ranging consultations but classified papers show government moving ahead
Globe and Mail
March 3, 2009

OTTAWA — The federal government is secretly planning an overhaul of the rules governing Canada's reserves that is far more sweeping than what Ottawa is telling Canada's chiefs and native leaders.

Take a lesson from ... Canada's Liberal leader?

Take a lesson from ... Canada's Liberal leader?
Feb 28, 2009

Iggy's Great Canadian Oilsands Tour hit Alberta again last week.

He said soothing things like: "here in the west is where the destiny of our country's economy will be played out."

Or better still, telling the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce: "the oilsands are an integral part of the future of Canada."

Harper rolls dice to play tar sands 'wild card'

Harper rolls dice to play oil sands 'wild card'
Mar 02, 2009
Tyler Hamilton

Canada's oil and gas sector is a crucial engine of our economy and isn't going away, so any technologies that help reduce or capture emissions are both welcome and necessary.

But can these technologies help us right now, particularly to justify rapid expansion of oil-sands projects? And, taken alone, are they enough?

National Geographic sparks mainstream reaction on Tar Sands

*Oilsands will never get a fair shake*

*Lamphier:* I've always had a thing for National Geographic. Without
access to its pictures, I'm sure I would have flunked Grade 5 geography.
My projects on the Great Pyramids of Egypt or the lost Incan city of
Machu Picchu would have been a crashing bore. I know that in my heart.

* Canada needs the oil sands*

*NP:* National Geo-graphic magazine's current ar ticle on Al -berta's

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