Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Labour / Migration

Labour / Migration

It is falsely assumed that big projects equal lots of jobs and, by extension, labour peace if not outright satisfaction. The size and scope of the tarsands means for incredibly dangerous work conditions-- some fatalities at the plants have already occurred. The products seldom get their "value added" in union-run locations, instead the heavy bitumen can be shipped to many different locations across North America for refining, denying benefits to the union. However, the Union does not represent the "guest worker", now being imported in increasing numbers as legislation is changed to make access easier, the term of exploitation last longer, without any new efforts or pathways to deciding to stay after helping tear up the earth.

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It is falsely assumed that big projects equal lots of jobs and, by extension, labour peace if not outright satisfaction. The size and scope of the tarsands means for incredibly dangerous work conditions-- some fatalities at the plants have already occurred. The products seldom get their "value added" in union-run locations, instead the heavy bitumen can be shipped to many different locations across North America for refining, denying benefits to the union. However, the Union does not represent the "guest worker", now being imported in increasing numbers as legislation is changed to make access easier, the term of exploitation last longer, without any new efforts or pathways to deciding to stay after helping tear up the earth.

Petrocan talking itself out of tar sands (The Massive Fort Hills Project)

Petrocan talking itself out of oil sands

Andrew Willis, September 17, 2008 at 9:09 AM EDT
Petro-Canada is talking itself out of the Fort Hills oil sands project.

The latest cost estimates on the project, released late Tuesday, highlighted a 50-per-cent spike in expenses over the past 15 months, on a project that was already projected to eat up $14.1-billion. Keep in mind: This initiative still needs approvals from both the Petrocan board and government bodies.

How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants

Illegal People
How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants
For a schedule of coming book discussions and photography exhibitions, go to: http://dbacon.igc.org/IndexPS/schedule.html

No Games on Stolen Native Land! Panel on 2010, tar sands and call to disrupt the "Spirit Train" (September 27 & 29)

Full Call Out Here:

No Games on Stolen Native Land! Panel on 2010, tar sands and call to disrupt the "Spirit Train" (September 27 & 29)

On September 29th, 2008 (Monday), the 2010 Olympic Winter Games "Spirit
Train" will be coming to Edmonton, Alberta. A call out has been issued
by the Olympics Resistance Network.

On September 27, 2008, several speakers from indigenous communities who
are being adversely effected on unceded territories in "British

Young workers at risk on the job in Alberta

Young workers at risk on the job in Alberta
Province addresses concerns raised in study of injury rates
Kelly Cryderman, Calgary Herald
Published: Friday, August 22, 2008

The Alberta government is worried about significantly higher injury rates among young workers compared to their older counterparts -- figures that are revealed in a detailed new report.

"Energy economy can't turn on dime"

Energy economy can't turn on dime

With Canada firmly in the grasp of an election campaign, all eyes have turned toward the East.

As demonstrated in a Sun Media-Nanos poll published in the Sun yesterday, most Canadians appear confident in their ability to weather an expected economic downturn -- except our cousins in Quebec and Ontario, where the manufacturing sector has taken a beating in recent years.

The parties are posturing to convince Canadians, easterners in particular, who is best suited to steer Canada through tough economic times.

Shady employment agents prey on foreign workers

Shady employment agents prey on foreign workers
Seeking work, would-be immigrants are charged placement fees for jobs that don't exist
Joanne Lee-Young, Vancouver Sun // August 31, 2008

Antonio Navarro's story speaks of the uglier side of what is happening as B.C. targets the Philippines as a source of labour to ease its shortages.

Devon's Jackfish Sag-D Project Enters Phase Two

UPDATE 3-Devon starts phase 2 of Alberta oil sands project
Mon Sep 8, 2008 5:23pm EDT

CALGARY, Alberta, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Devon Energy Corp (DVN.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) is embarking on the second phase of its Alberta oil sands project, a $1-billion-plus expansion aimed at doubling output in four years, the U.S. oil independent said on Monday.

Devon said it won regulatory approval for phase two of the steam-driven Jackfish project, which will add 35,000 barrels a day of production of tar-like bitumen by 2012. It will start construction immediately.

Oil patch immune from the meltdown: economists

Oil patch immune from the meltdown: economists

Carrie Tait, Financial Post Published: Monday, September 15, 2008

CALGARY - Canada's oil and gas industry, including the massively cash-heavy oil sands projects, should be immune to the financial crisis gripping Wall Street - for now.

Economists say the multi-billion dollar oil sands projects and other exploration and production efforts will still be able to access capital, even as major institutions go under and banks shy away from lending money.

Weak oil and debt markets may bedevil tar sands plans

Weak oil and debt markets may bedevil oil sands plans
Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:16pm EDT
By Jeffrey Jones - Analysis

CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A double whammy of tumbling crude prices and shaky credit markets could force some companies to delay multibillion-dollar Canadian oil sands projects, cutting the country's overall output forecast.

Most at risk are developments that are in the design phase but have yet to start construction. Some have already been delayed due to surging costs, a tight labor market and stricter regulatory scrutiny.

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