Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Land, regardless of whether covered by forests, tundra or grasslands, is threatened by mining operations such as Alberta’s vast open tar pit operations, or through incredible networks of “right of way” cuts for pipelines that extend in the hundreds of thousands of miles, all told, and across the continent in four directions and to three oceans—either through feeding the tarsand operations with fossil fuel energy or through feeding energy markets from tarsand operations after production. In the case of pipeline right of ways, they can blast directly through mountains or be buried in permafrost if needed, to get the energy to move.

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Land, regardless of whether covered by forests, tundra or grasslands, is threatened by mining operations such as Alberta’s vast open tar pit operations, or through incredible networks of “right of way” cuts for pipelines that extend in the hundreds of thousands of miles, all told, and across the continent in four directions and to three oceans—either through feeding the tarsand operations with fossil fuel energy or through feeding energy markets from tarsand operations after production. In the case of pipeline right of ways, they can blast directly through mountains or be buried in permafrost if needed, to get the energy to move.

Activists push policy change for oil pipeline (Trailbreaker-- through to Portland, ME)

Activists push policy change for oil pipeline

At present, oil is piped to Sarnia from Alberta through pipelines that pass through Saskatchewan, Manitoba and numerous U.S. states, and from foreign distributors through Line 9 via Montreal. Enbridge's proposed program would reverse the flow on Line 9 from Sarnia to Montreal to carry oil from the tar sands through Ontario and Quebec to Portland and on to the U.S. Gulf Coast. The project would also require the flow on the Portland-Montreal Pipe Line to be reversed. Embridge does not own this pipeline.

Youth protest against the tar sands in Fort Chipewyan

January 9, 2009
Youth protest against the tar sands in Fort Chipewyan

Youth from Fort Chipewyan marched through the streets to protest against the tar sands in -32 degree temperatures this afternoon.

The march was organized by 10 year old Robyn Courtoreille, who got other youth involved in the protest.

"Syncrude and Suncor have been poisioning our water, air, so we protested to let them know we want a future not cancer," said Dailen Powder, 12, after the protest.

"I was protesting because I dont want anymore deformed two jawed fish in our lake," said Cherish Kaskamin, 11.

Tar sands companies have PR problem: survey

Oilsands companies have PR problem: survey
By Dave Cooper, edmontonjournal.com
January 8, 2009

EDMONTON - Oilsands producers have received the word from the public — half don't believe what they are being told.

An industry-funded poll released Thursday found a lot of mistrust among respondents in Edmonton and Toronto. However, Edmontonians were generally more favourable towards the industry than Torontonians, particularly on questions around environmental responsibility.

Oil price slump undermines controversial tar sand projects

Oil price slump undermines controversial tar sand projects

Commercial viability of carbon intensive Canadian tar sands hit by combination of falling oil prices and regulatory concerns
James Murray, BusinessGreen, 06 Jan 2009

Plunging oil prices might have spelled bad news for renewable energy projects, but they are also undermining the commercial viability of some of the world's most carbon intensive energy projects.

Syncrude facing private prosecution over dead ducks

Syncrude facing private prosecution over dead ducks
Globe and Mail Update
January 7, 2009

An Alberta resident launched a private prosecution against one of the country's largest oils-sands' operators, alleging that it was responsible for killing 500 ducks at its northern Alberta facility last spring.

Jeh Custer, a member of the Sierra Club Canada, commenced legal action in Edmonton Wednesday against Syncrude Canada Ltd. He said that if nothing was done, such practices by oil companies would continue without consequences.

Enbridge cleaning up spill at tar sands terminal

Enbridge cleaning up spill at oil sands terminal
Wed Jan 7, 2009 5:15pm EST

CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - Enbridge Inc, Canada's No. 2 pipeline firm, said a malfunctioning valve at an oil storage facility in the oil sands region of northern Alberta this week spewed out 4,000 barrels of oil, but the spill was mostly contained on the grounds of its tank farm.

The company, whose pipelines carry the lion's share of oil sands crude to U.S. markets, said the spill occurred on Saturday at its Cheecham terminal south of Fort McMurray, Alberta, when a small fitting on a valve failed.

The Costly Compromises of Oil From Sand

The Costly Compromises of Oil From Sand
Published: January 6, 2009
New York Times

OTTAWA — The oil that is extracted from Canadian dirt is being portrayed as saving America from energy dependence on the unstable Middle East, or an environmental catastrophe in the making — depending on the perspective.

The Conservative government of Canada, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has championed the industry.

Energy at any cost (Wyoming; "Rockies Express Gas Pipeline")

Energy at any cost
Natural-gas pipelines encroach on farms, homes and businesses with government support, with more projects in the works
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 3:08 AM
By Sandy Shore

The Rockies Express natural-gas pipeline stretches across rural land as it is built near Cheyenne, Wyo. The $4 billion project will have the capacity to move 1.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day.

DENVER -- In the push toward more U.S. energy independence, massive infrastructure projects that will help deliver it have clashed with land-ownership rights.

Superior at center of oil production plans (Wisconsin: New Refinery hub for tar sands)

Superior at center of oil production plans
By Dan Egan/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Superior Telegram
Published Wednesday, December 24, 2008

SUPERIOR — U.S. dependence on foreign oil conjures images of derricks pecking at Saudi Arabian sands or supertankers steaming for coastal refineries.

But here is a more apt icon for our future reliance on other nations’ fossil fuels: fields just south of Lake Superior pocked with gymnasium-sized tanks of oil piped 1,000 miles from tar sands in Alberta — one of the largest proven “unconventional” oil reserves in the world.

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