Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Peak Oil

Peak Oil

Peak Oil is starting to be understood across a broad spectrum, but the direct connection between peak oil, climate change and the American market-led attempt to squeeze all energy out of Alberta cannot be overstated. The smaller the global supply of oil gets, the more CO2 has been emitted and the more climate change will have advanced. This leads to more interest in the tar sands—because the profit margin goes ever higher the fewer alternatives there are for petroleum. Without Peak Oil bearing down on humanity, no economical reason would exist to produce this energy intensive, low-output petrol.

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Peak Oil is starting to be understood across a broad spectrum, but the direct connection between peak oil, climate change and the American market-led attempt to squeeze all energy out of Alberta cannot be overstated. The smaller the global supply of oil gets, the more CO2 has been emitted and the more climate change will have advanced. This leads to more interest in the tar sands—because the profit margin goes ever higher the fewer alternatives there are for petroleum. Without Peak Oil bearing down on humanity, no economical reason would exist to produce this energy intensive, low-output petrol.

George Monbiot: "Shut down the Tar Sands"

George Monbiot stirs debate over fate of tar sands
By Matthew Burrows

George Monbiot wants the Alberta tar-sands industry shut down “as quickly as possible”.

The best-selling author, Guardian columnist, and environmentalist told the Georgia Straight he would like to see “large-scale direct actions” to make that happen.

The Peak Oil Crisis: Bailouts & Shortages

The Peak Oil Crisis: Bailouts & Shortages
Written by Tom Whipple
Thursday, 02 October 2008 11:19

We are witnessing one of the most eventful weeks in modern history. Stocks and oil prices plunged on Monday and bounced on Tuesday; credit markets seem to be freezing; the Congress remains in gridlock as members watch the approaching elections fearful of what could happen to their incumbency.

In the South gasoline supplies have been short for two weeks and prices there have bounced back to $4 a gallon. The economic news gets worse with every release of new numbers.

Tar sands stocks take beating as Connacher shelves expansion

Oil sands stocks take beating as Connacher shelves expansion

Carrie Tait, Financial Post Published: Monday, October 06, 2008

CALGARY -- Oil sands stocks were being clobbered Monday, an indication the market continues to doubt whether these companies will be able to secure financing to plow ahead with expensive projects.

Connacher Oil and Gas Ltd. admitted Monday it has shelved plans to expand capacity at its heavy oil refinery in Great Falls, Mont. It had wanted to jump from processing 9,500 barrels of oil a day to 35,000 barrels.

"Tar Sands Still Good Investment Long Term"

Canadian Oil Sands Looks Attractive Despite Near Term Risk
by: Kurt Wulff
October 06, 2008

We are committed to the belief that Canadian Oil Sands Trust (COSWF.PK) is an attractive long-term investment despite suspending our buy recommendations for near-term financial market price risk.

Dos, don'ts on energy

Dos, don'ts on energy
Another bill Congress hasn't passed
October 1, 2008

The bailout strikeout is not the only congressional swing-and-a-miss these days. Congress also has failed to agree on a comprehensive energy bill that could steer our economic and environmental future in the right direction.

Oil Shale: Viable Domestic Energy, Or ‘Dirtiest Fuel on the Planet’

Oil Shale: Viable Domestic Energy, Or ‘Dirtiest Fuel on the Planet’
By Jad Mouawad
September 30, 2008, 10:40 am

A ban on the development of oil shale — rock from which oil is melted and extracted for energy use — is about to expire.

After months of bitter wrangling, a quarter-century ban on offshore drilling along most of the nation’s coastline will expire at midnight tonight.

Teck scraps Cominco brand, recasts business unit structure

Teck scraps Cominco brand, recasts business unit structure
Oct 1 2008

VANCOUVER — Teck Cominco Ltd. (TSX:TCK.B) is eliminating Cominco from its name and announcing a five-division structure to reflect its growth through acquisitions.

The five divisions specialize in copper, metallurgical coal, zinc, gold and energy, and the new name and logo "more accurately reflect Teck's diversified portfolio of commodities," the company said Wednesday.

Tar sands safe from U.S. law, advocates say

Oil sands safe from U.S. law, advocates say
Environmentalists claim victory as Canadian officials fail to weaken legislation that limits Washington's fuel choices
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
October 1, 2008 at 6:58 AM EDT

U.S. environmentalists have declared another victory in their efforts to protect legislation that threatens Canada's booming oil sands, but oil sands advocates say there is no triumph to celebrate.

Industry minister: Canada could build gas pipeline first

Well, this article is wrong three times. A) The MGP would not negate the Alaska Pipeline. B) The MGP would not feed the lower 48 States, but instead feed production of dirty tar sands crude. C) Natural Gas is another fossil fuel and the combination of both climate change and peak oil make it impossible to see natural gas as "...the only option for a long term energy solution."

Other than that, the article is great!


Industry minister: Canada could build gas pipeline first
by Ted Land
Monday, September 22, 2008

Now Is the Time to Resist Wall Street's Shock Doctrine

Now Is the Time to Resist Wall Street's Shock Doctrine
Published on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 by the Huffington Post
by Naomi Klein

I wrote The Shock Doctrine in the hopes that it would make us all better prepared for the next big shock. Well, that shock has certainly arrived, along with gloves-off attempts to use it to push through radical pro-corporate policies (which of course will further enrich the very players who created the market crisis in the first place...).

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