Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Social Impacts

Social Impacts

Social Impacts. Overnight injections of migrant workers will not build healthy communities and can have severely adverse impacts on existing communities, especially those of indigenous nations on their traditional lands. Such development brings vices and long term displacement too often. Drugs, alcohol and associated violence spreads. Hunting becomes difficult when the land is threatened, leading to a further loss of culture and tradition. In towns like Fort McMurray there is no planning for the future, but merely consumption in the present. However transient the individuals may be, the populations will not leave, as “development” takes on a logic all its own. All levels of run away development are subordinate to that development, not social need.

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Social Impacts. Overnight injections of migrant workers will not build healthy communities and can have severely adverse impacts on existing communities, especially those of indigenous nations on their traditional lands. Such development brings vices and long term displacement too often. Drugs, alcohol and associated violence spreads. Hunting becomes difficult when the land is threatened, leading to a further loss of culture and tradition. In towns like Fort McMurray there is no planning for the future, but merely consumption in the present. However transient the individuals may be, the populations will not leave, as “development” takes on a logic all its own. All levels of run away development are subordinate to that development, not social need.

An Unconventional Future for Crude

Canadian Oil Sands Takeover
An Unconventional Future for Crude

By Keith Kohl
Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

One quick glance out the window, and I knew we weren't in Baltimore anymore.

In fact, it didn't even seem like we were even in Canada...

The twister had scooped up my beaten-down Chevy and dropped us in the middle of a wasteland.

Having just woken up after rolling into Fort McMurray, my cohort's face immediately scrunched up as the smell of oil wafted inside the car.

Alberta still all about the nukes!

Canada provinces continue to back nuclear power

VANCOUVER, March 15 (Reuters) - Key Canadian provinces reaffirmed their support for nuclear power on Tuesday and the national regulator declared the country's generating stations safe even as Japan's crisis spurred other nations to back away from nuclear.

Ontario, Canada's most populous province, said there was no change in its plans to keep the nuclear-powered portion of its electricity output at 50 percent.

Alberta wants to study tar sands more

Province says more study needed on oil sands impact
Ian Campbell Mar 09, 2011

The provincial government says any impact from the oil sands warrants further study.

The latest report by a government-appointed panel failed to dig up any differences than the findings of independent scientists.

The province says contamination in the Athabasca River comes from natural sources, but University of Alberta researchers say they've traced hydrocarbons and heavy metals directly to the oil sands.

"Global unrest making tar sands look even more attractive"

Global unrest making oil sands look even more attractive

February 23, 2011

CALGARY, AB, Feb. 23, 2011/ Troy Media/ – Oil prices spiked to their highest level since the recession this morning, as unrest in several Middle-Eastern countries spooked commodity markets. How this impacts Alberta depends largely on how long the rise lasts for. If instability continues to reign, it could spell good news for investment in Alberta.

Utah’s tar sands

Utah’s tar sands
By mike duncan
Mar 09 2011
Salt Lake Tribune

Tar sands are no longer a what-if. This water-intensive mining may be coming to Utah soon, and what it could become is a big deal indeed.

Unlike gas wells, extracting oil from sand is neither quiet nor unobtrusive. Despite admirable efforts to minimize water use and reduce water pollution, the industry uses considerable water and generates wastes, especially if pipelines are built and field refineries established to avoid trucking the thick oil.

Jordan inks $1.8-bn oil [strip mining] shale deal with British firm

Jordan inks $1.8-bn oil shale deal with British firm
2011-03-09 23:10:00

Amman, March 9 (DPA) The Jordanian government Wednesday signed a $1.8 billion concession agreement with the Karak International Oil (KIO), a subsidiary of Britain's Jordan Energy and Mining Ltd, for the production of crude from Jordanian oil shale deposits.

A signatory to the agreement is also Polysuis AG, a subsidiary of Thyssenkrupp Group of Germany, which will prepare the designs, and install and maintain the equipment for the project.

The Difference Between Oil Reserves and Supply

The Difference Between Oil Reserves and Supply

Monday | March 07, 2011

Oil discoveries versus oil consumption bar graph

The following article appeared in the March7, 2011 edition of Peak Oil Review, published weekly by the Association for the Study of Peak Oil USA. I thought EV World readers would find it of value.

Military Members Gung Ho for Keystone XL

Military members push for pipeline

Daily Progress, Jacksonville, TX

March 5, 2011

Meagan O'Toole-Pitts Jacksonville Daily Progress The Jacksonville Daily Progress Sat Mar 05, 2011, 02:11 PM CST

JACKSONVILLE — The American GI Forum of Texas and 66 military veterans urged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to grant TransCanada a Presidential Permit to allow construction of the Keystone XL pipeline expansion this week, aiming to reduce the nation’s dependency on oil in the Middle East.

CNRL Horizon losing big to fire

Horizon slow to resume production; damages may hit $400 million

By Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald
March 4, 2011

CALGARY - Canadian Natural Resources on Thursday said it will take longer than expected to get its fire-damaged Horizon oilsands project back to full production.

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