Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

War and Security

War and Security

The tarsands are only economical at a certain price per barrel. The attacks on Iraq and Somalia, along with threats against Venezuela, Iran and elsewhere all combine to drive that price up. This significantly leaves the US economic structures able to tighten their control on oil distribution around the world as they de-diversify their oil imports to heavy reliance on tarsand (mock) oil, growing in percentage at a incredible pace. Canada is ever more integrating this (mock) oil into the North American grid, at the behest of both Canadian and American corporations. While Iraq's oil is disrupted often, Canada has no national reserve system and the corporations are aiming to extract up to 25% of American economical daily requirements from the tarsands in less than a decade. With NAFTA Expanding into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) more and more of these policies become removed from the public realm and help maintain exploitation and war on the planet and people within it by a tag team of nation-states from North America.

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The tarsands are only economical at a certain price per barrel. The attacks on Iraq and Somalia, along with threats against Venezuela, Iran and elsewhere all combine to drive that price up. This significantly leaves the US economic structures able to tighten their control on oil distribution around the world as they de-diversify their oil imports to heavy reliance on tarsand (mock) oil, growing in percentage at a incredible pace. Canada is ever more integrating this (mock) oil into the North American grid, at the behest of both Canadian and American corporations. While Iraq's oil is disrupted often, Canada has no national reserve system and the corporations are aiming to extract up to 25% of American economical daily requirements from the tarsands in less than a decade. With NAFTA Expanding into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) more and more of these policies become removed from the public realm and help maintain exploitation and war on the planet and people within it by a tag team of nation-states from North America.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Peak Oil, And a World On The Brink

Benjamin Netanyahu, Peak Oil, And a World On The Brink
By Reggie Abaca, January 29th, 2009
Market Rap

The election of Democrat Barack Obama has managed to calm the wary nerves of those who feared the idea of an expanded worldwide war. There is a sense of calm on that front and an entirely new focus on the devastating economic crisis of today. Even investors in the crude oil (OIL) market are, for now, sitting back and taking a breath, perhaps caught up in the wonder of America's first African American president as they also stand shell-shocked by job losses and miserable economic data.

From Industry: "North American large-diameter pipe orders under pressure"

North American large-diameter pipe orders under pressure
Date: 28/01/2009

With significant declines in the commodities and energy complex, North American large diameter pipe-makers will experience a slowdown. K C Chang reports.

Going into the first half of 2009, IHS Global Insight does not expect a rebound in new pipe orders until oil and natural gas prices gain traction and credit markets improve.

"Canada delusional about tar sands, oil"

Canada delusional about oil
Jan 26, 2009 04:30 AM
David Crane

There is this Canadian delusion that the Alberta oil sands will give
us special influence with the new Obama administration, that energy is
our trump card in the Canada-U.S. relationship because, it's argued,
the United States desperately needs our oil. It fosters the false
belief that we can get concessions from the U.S. in other areas by
producing more oil.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has talked of Canada as an "energy
superpower"; Environment Minister Jim Prentice talks of Canada's

Tar Sands photo albums by project

This past summer, myself and friends were able to "tour" many of the projects in the Athabasca mining region and south of Fort McMurray (one of many places) where SagD/In Situ operations rule the day. These are albums belatedly created from that trip. This does not comprise anything remotely coming towards an exhaustive set of the multiple projects.

(you do not need to have a Facebook identity to see these albums).

Photos are from the land and the air.

Opti-Nexen's Long Lake (North) Project & CP's Surmont Project.

"Ignatieff touts Alberta tar sands"

The scale and scope of the political shift in Canada as a result of Ignatieff taking power is not really yet understood.

From ten years ago, where only the Reform Party and then after that, The Alliance, would openly support the US military adventures around the world we now have both the top party and the opposition who are:

Completely pro tar sands, completely pro-Iraq War, unquestioning of Israel and advocates of torture on prisoners.

Opti-Nexen Long Lake upgrader begins operation

Definitely the largest of all the SagD plants in operation within Alberta, this plant has now officially begun operations involving "Or Crude"-- a process developed and patented within 1948 conquered Palestine ["Israel"] to reduce energy costs in development of the large oil shale deposits within those borders.

World running out of oil, says ex-CEO

World running out of oil, says ex-CEO
Jim Buckee warns of $20-a-litre fuel
By Richard Foot, Canwest News Service
January 15, 2009

Consumers shouldn't get too comfortable with cheap gasoline, because the planet is running out of oil and prices will go "sky high" --as high as $20 per litre--as petroleum reserves dwindle in the coming years.

That's the view of Jim Buckee, the British oilman who was CEO of Calgary-based Talisman Energy Inc., one of Canada's largest energy producers, from 1993 to 2007.

Tar sands 'change everything' says Ignatieff

Oilsands 'change everything' says Ignatieff

By Tom Barrett January 15, 2009

The Alberta oilsands will allow Canada to stand up to the U.S. on everything from Arctic sovereignty to rewriting NAFTA, Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said Wednesday.

Ignatieff told a town hall meeting in a Gastown pub that Canadians are just starting to understand "how powerful the oilsands make us."

He told an overflow audience crammed into the pub's tiny back room that he toured the project in August.

OPEC's future blowin' in the wind

OPEC's future blowin' in the wind
Last Updated: Monday, January 5, 2009
Philip Demont
CBC News

The noise generated by the 120 wind turbines turning on the hilltops of the Viana do Castelo region in northern Portugal might not equal that of a soccer-crazy crowd at the Estadio da Luz stadium in Lisbon.

To OPEC, however, the sound from Europe's largest wind farm is as loud and clear as a high-speed train roaring across the western world.

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Tar Sands Photo Albums by Project

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