Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

War and Security

War and Security

The tarsands are only economical at a certain price per barrel. The attacks on Iraq and Somalia, along with threats against Venezuela, Iran and elsewhere all combine to drive that price up. This significantly leaves the US economic structures able to tighten their control on oil distribution around the world as they de-diversify their oil imports to heavy reliance on tarsand (mock) oil, growing in percentage at a incredible pace. Canada is ever more integrating this (mock) oil into the North American grid, at the behest of both Canadian and American corporations. While Iraq's oil is disrupted often, Canada has no national reserve system and the corporations are aiming to extract up to 25% of American economical daily requirements from the tarsands in less than a decade. With NAFTA Expanding into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) more and more of these policies become removed from the public realm and help maintain exploitation and war on the planet and people within it by a tag team of nation-states from North America.

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The tarsands are only economical at a certain price per barrel. The attacks on Iraq and Somalia, along with threats against Venezuela, Iran and elsewhere all combine to drive that price up. This significantly leaves the US economic structures able to tighten their control on oil distribution around the world as they de-diversify their oil imports to heavy reliance on tarsand (mock) oil, growing in percentage at a incredible pace. Canada is ever more integrating this (mock) oil into the North American grid, at the behest of both Canadian and American corporations. While Iraq's oil is disrupted often, Canada has no national reserve system and the corporations are aiming to extract up to 25% of American economical daily requirements from the tarsands in less than a decade. With NAFTA Expanding into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) more and more of these policies become removed from the public realm and help maintain exploitation and war on the planet and people within it by a tag team of nation-states from North America.

Petro-Canada working on costs (Fort Hills, Montréal Refinery, etc...)

Petro-Canada working on costs
Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post Published: Friday, December 12, 2008

CALGARY -- Petro-Canada is seeing "a pretty good response" as it re-negotiates deals to bring down costs at its delayed Fort Hills oil sands project, Ron Brenneman, chief executive, said Friday.

"I don't know where it will end up or whether it's enough to make a difference in the overall project economics," but costs are moving down and are becoming more predictable, Mr. Brenneman said in an interview.

Workers vote to end 13-month lockout at Petro-Canada refinery (Montréal)

Workers vote to end 13-month lockout at Petro-Canada refinery
Last Updated: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 |
CBC News

Workers at a Petro-Canada refinery in Montreal have voted to accept a new collective agreement, a move that will put an end to a 13-month lockout.

Union officials, representing 260 employees, said Tuesday the agreement was accepted by 94.6 per cent of members. Employees will be back at work Jan. 12.

The Fusion of Peak Oil & Climate Change

by James Howard

Energy Bulletin (December 01 2008)

Peak Oil and Climate Change are two historic events for humans and life
on earth. The first threatens modern industrial ways of living and the
latter threatens the climatic systems that are an integral part of our
world and the way we live and survive.

A quick recap on both. Peak Oil is the point of historic maximum global
oil flow, Climate Change is the alteration of established climate
systems due to (in this case, anthropogenic) global warming. The onset

Sunoco, original founder of Suncor, The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Canadian Boreal Initiative, returns to Tar Sands

Sunoco considering returning to the oilsands
Today staff

After more than a decade-long absence, Sunoco Inc. is looking to return to the Alberta oilsands by way of increased bitumen for its U.S. refineries.

Sunoco president Lynn Elsenhan outlined that business intention Monday during an analyst conference call. However, she didn’t offer any specific companies as potential partners for the Northern Alberta venture.

The company has started looking, however, and is looking long-term, according to company spokesman Thomas Golembeski.

Vandals target another B.C. gas pipeline

Vandals target another B.C. gas pipeline
Thu Dec. 18 2008

Vandals have targeted another set of natural gas well sites in northeastern British Columbia, but authorities aren't immediately linking the latest attacks to three earlier bombings to EnCana pipelines in October.

Const. Jackelynn Passarell said Thursday valves were tampered with and shots were fired at well sites operated by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (TSX:CNQ) and Iteration Energy (TSX:ITX).

NAFTA likely safe from oil-focused Obama administration: experts

NAFTA likely safe from oil-focused Obama administration: experts

The Canadian Press
November 5, 2008

OTTAWA — U.S. President Barack Obama may turn out to be far better for Canadian free trade and economic interests than candidate Barack Obama ever pretended to be, experts on both sides of the border agree.

Obama - triumphant Tuesday in his bid to become America's first-ever black president-elect - was far from neighbourly in his pronouncements impacting Canada during the campaign.

Sunoco (founder of Pew Charitable Trusts-- financier of the CBI) Coming back into Tar Sands

Sunoco set up the original endowment for the Pew Foundation, now called the Pew Charitable Trusts. They also began the corporation now known as Suncor.

Sunoco currently refines bitumen in Ohio and are planning to do so soon in their home turf of Philadelphia.

Sunoco has, through either Pew family members (J Howard Pew's heirs, J Howard started Sun Oil/Sunoco) or current board members and CEO's of Sunoco, a majority of the board of trustees of the Pew Charitable Trusts to this very day.

California Tar Sands In-Situ Development to Start

Tri-Valley Drilling Ahead on 8th Horizontal California Vaca Tar Sands Well
Posted 12 December 2008

TransCanada reduced to issuing shares to raise money to pay down debt

TransCanada to issue shares to raise money to pay down debt
Argus Leader
November 24, 2008

TransCanada has announced that it will issue 30.5 million shares of common stock to raise about 41 billion Canadian, or $809 million America, to pay down short-term debt and fund its Keystone Pipeline projects.

TransCanada entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters to buy shares from the company at $33 Canadian and sell them to the public in Canada and the U.S.

15 undocumented workers arrested in BP raid (Whiting, Indiana refinery)

15 undocumented workers arrested in BP raid
December 10, 2008
By Andy Grimm Post-Tribune staff writer

WHITING - Immigration authorities arrested 15 janitorial workers in an early morning raid at the BP plant.

The raid came after at two-year investigation of United Building Maintenance, a Carol Stream, Ill.,-based cleaning company that had been hired by BP. The cleaning crews had access to sensitive areas of the refinery, said Gary Hartwig, special agent-in-charge of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of Investigations in Chicago.

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